View Full Version : error finding adding a slot

26th June 2013, 17:54
i converted qt3 project to qt4 like these:

1)qt3to4 sample.pro

2)opened FORM.ui in designer and saved in same directory using same name

3)edited sample.pro file ( removed CONFIG += uic3 and FORMS3 += FORM.ui ) as FORMS += FORM.ui

4)now i changed all form.h to ui_form.h

5)in these project there are signals and slots.

6)after compilation and at the time of runnung exe i am getting following messages

Object::connect: No such slot QDialog::btnShow_clicked()
Object::connect: (sender name: 'btnShow')
Object::connect: (receiver name: 'frmLogin')
Object::connect: No such slot QDialog::txtSam_clicked(int,int)
Object::connect: (sender name: 'txtSam')
Object::connect: (receiver name: 'frmLogin')
Object::connect: No such slot QDialog::tblSam_clicked(int,int,int,QPoint)
Object::connect: (sender name: 'tblSam')
Object::connect: (receiver name: 'frmLogin')

after browsing internet , someone explained as, add ui_form.cpp and put all custom signals and slots. i did this but not working.