View Full Version : Qt (5.1.0) Application not compiling in Qt Creator 2.7.2

3rd July 2013, 20:23
I just downloaded qt-linux-opensource-5.1.0-x86_64-offline.run from the qt website and installed it. I had checked the option to install the qt creator also but after installing when I click on the QtCreator icon nothing comes up. So I downloaded qt-creator-linux-x86_64-opensource-2.7.2.bin seperately and installed it. Now it opens. But when I opened New Project the Qt GUI Application option was not available. After browsing through some forums I found out that I had to add some qmake in the Tools->Options->kits. I found a qmake in my <home directory>/Qt5.1.0/5.1.0/gcc_64/bin folder. I added it (but something was wrong, it had a red exclamation and told no compiler can run this code or something like that). But after that Gui application option was available but when I try to compile it says ":-1: error: Qt Creator needs a compiler set up to build. Configure a compiler in the kit options." What should I do?

3rd July 2013, 21:51
Go to where the error message is telling you to go and tell Qt Creator where to find your 64-bit compiler. If you are using a binary Linux distro you may need to install a compiler first ( it would generally be found automatically on the system path )