View Full Version : Software for crosssection measurements

5th July 2013, 13:25
Probably not for everyone ;-) but I love showcases where people do something useful with Qt :)

The following software is something I wrote to automate a VERY tedious job.. At my company we need to define specific points on crosssections of levees for a commercial package that automates levee calculations.

We have 550+ km of levees and a crosssection every 5m.. so that's 110.000 crossections that need to be defined with at least 8 points which brings me to a total of 880.000 point / mouseclicks.. very, VERY annoying!

So I came up with my own solution.. Qt helped me (again) and I wrote software that is able to handle multiple crossections in one go.. just use the sliders to select them and drag and drop the red markers to specific locations.. Qt and my app logic do the rest!

Saved me a lot of time! Thx Qt!


code: https://github.com/breinbaas/puntenprikker