View Full Version : ScrollArea for Graphics Item

11th July 2013, 12:17
Hello Everybody,

I am working on a project which need to show 5-10 graphics items just like stack... means each item will be displayed at the bottom of other item.

And this bunch of items need to be grouped together in a scroll area...

i am stuck somewhere to ass a scroll area in the QGraphicsScene and this scroll area contains QGraphicsItems...


// SCENE ->
| | ITEM | |
| | ITEM | |
| | ITEM | |
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| | ITEM | | |
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| | ITEM | | | < - Scroll Bar
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| +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | |
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| | ITEM | | |
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Santosh Reddy
11th July 2013, 13:38
It will be simple to use QGraphicsWidget or QGraphicsProxyWidget, you will need to make your items as widgets.