View Full Version : Release Build Requires Debug dlls?

17th July 2013, 20:52
My project is Qt5.0.2. on Windows 7. No third party libs to link against, except quazip which is also built in release mode. I build in release mode. I execute the binary in the release build folder and it says that it requires debug dlls. I am not sure what I have done wrong in configuration. Here is what I have tried.

Deleted the build folder, ran qmake, then build.
Deleted the build folder, ran clean, ran qmake, then build.
Ran clean, ran qmake, then build.

Still with all 3, it requires the debug dll.

Any help?

20th July 2013, 07:34
You need to include the dll's from Qt also to produce a stand-alone version. For example

qgif4.dll if you use gifs in your project. Most of the times you need:

QtCore4.dll and QtGui4.dll you ll find those dlls where you installed Qt.

20th July 2013, 08:05
Any help?

Open your executable in Dependency Walker and it will tell you which DLL is loading what.

20th July 2013, 11:43
Just go with Static building.

20th July 2013, 22:44
No, don't. If you are unable to get to grips with deploying a few DLLs then you are unlikely to be able to be any better off trying to build a static Qt library, living with the technical limits that imposes, living with the licence limits that imposes, and likely still having to deploy a bunch of DLLs on which Qt depends. Work the problem you have rather than going looking for others.