View Full Version : How to debug projects under Qt 5.1/MSVC2012

22nd July 2013, 10:41
I can run Qt5.1/MINGW and debug my applications smoothly.
I would like to do the same with Qt5.1/MSVC2012.

Therefore I've installed on my PC (running win8):
- Microsoft visual studio express 2012 for desktop
- Qt 5.1/msvc2012

My projects run smoothly.
But when I try to debug any of them, I get an error message box saying: “no debugger set up”.

On the QT-project site I’ve read that I should
“install the Debugging tools for Windows. You can download them from Download and Install Debugging Tools for Windows.”
However, the Microsoft's site says that now I cannot install debugging tools alone; and that I must install instead Microsoft Visual Studio Express 2012, that I did.

What should I do now to set up the debugger? Should maybe I tell Qt something about VC's paths?

I thank in advance anyone that wants to help.


29th August 2013, 22:12
>>But when I try to debug any of them, I get an error message box saying: “no debugger set up”.

I had the same error. Managed to solve them after installing Windows Debugging Tools
I choose only the SDK debugging Tools . After installation, QT Creator managed to auto detect the CDB engine at my next attempt to run in debug mode.