View Full Version : Get pointer to class written in the script

24th July 2013, 11:37
Hi all.
I'm use qtscriptgenerator for make Qt classes in the scripts.
I wrote a class Trace inherits of QGraphicsItem and add a new function Trace.prototype.mouseMove = function( angle, x, y ).

How I can call this function from main programm?
May I get a pointer to class Trace in the main programm?

function tr(s)
return s;

function Trace( parent )
QGraphicsItem.call( this, parent );

this.setData( 0, 1000 );
this.setData( 1, 0 );
this.setData( 2, tr("След на нижней части чашки затвора") );
this.setFlag( QGraphicsItem.ItemIsSelectable );
this.normalPen = new QPen( new QColor( 0, 0, 0, 255 ), 2 );
this.selectedPen = new QPen( new QColor( 0, 0, 255, 150 ), 2 );

Qt.Scene.addItem( this );

Trace.prototype = new QGraphicsItem();

Trace.prototype.boundingRect = function()
return new QRectF( 0, 0, 50, 25 );

Trace.prototype.paint = function( painter, styleOptionGraphicsItem, widget )
if (this.isSelected())
painter.setPen( this.selectedPen );
painter.setPen( this.normalPen );

painter.drawArc( 0, 0, 50, 50, 2750, -2600 );

Trace.prototype.type = function()
return UserType + 1;

Trace.prototype.mouseMove = function( angle, x, y )
if (this.isSelected())
this.setRotation( -angle - 90 );

function addTrace()
var z = new Trace( Qt.Scene );
z.setPos( 275, 525 );
z.setTransformOriginPoint( z.mapFromParent( 300, 460 ) );

function getInfo()
return tr("След на нижней части чашки затвора");

function getData()
return 0;


24th July 2013, 15:56
May I get a pointer to class Trace in the main programm?

Trace is not really a class but a function that returns an object. You can store this function in QScriptValue, call() it to receive the object (again a QScriptValue), then access the resulting object's "mouseMove" property and call that.