View Full Version : Using quazip for extracting multiple files.

25th July 2013, 10:20
Hello friends,
I am using QuaZip for extracting multiple files from a archive. I just need help on one small thing. As per the documentation of quazip says, amongst, JICompress, there is a method which can be used to extract multiple files at a given time. Link:- http://quazip.sourceforge.net/classJlCompress.html#a309e9ee366719a4d8aa28f837fab 73ae

QStringList JlCompress::extractFiles(QString fileCompressed,QSringList files,QString dir=QString() )[static]
fileCompressed The name of the archive.
files The file list to extract.
dir The directory to put the files to, the current directory if left empty.
The list of the full paths of the files extracted, empty on failure.

My apologies for the redundancy. As of now, i have the object and all of JICompress. I want to extract all files from the archive. I dont understand 2 parameters here. The return parameter, I dont understand why its necessary, as we are specifying the path of extraction. And what should i put for the 2nd parameter where is says the file list to extract. How can i say all, there are a lot of files, i cant just go on specifying names for each, as their names might change. Sorry for the long thread. Thank you for your time.

25th July 2013, 15:07
here a snippet from a library I wrote for my own purpose:

void extractAll( QuaZip& archive )
// extracts all files from the archive and saves
// them onto disk
// just a simple implementation for evaluation.
// error handling has not been implemented yet!

for( bool f = archive.goToFirstFile(); f; f = archive.goToNextFile() )
// set source file in archive
QString filePath = archive.getCurrentFileName();
QuaZipFile zFile( archive.getZipName(), filePath );
// open the source file
zFile.open( QIODevice::ReadOnly );
// create a bytes array and write the file data into it
QByteArray ba = zFile.readAll();
// close the source file
// set destination file
QFile dstFile( filePath );
// open the destination file
dstFile.open( QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text );
// write the data from the bytes array into the destination file
dstFile.write( ba.data() );
//close the destination file

27th July 2013, 09:59
Thanks, i mainly wanted extractDir, which i got from elsewhere.