View Full Version : How to Include OpenCV source code ? ( no pre-compiled Libraries )

29th July 2013, 01:28
Dear friends,

In order to allow operating system interportability, I wish compile OpenCV source files ( *.c / *.h ) together project files, instead only include those already pre-compiled libraries ( *.lib ). What I mean is that would like replace bellow statements at project file :

LIBS += C:/OpenCV2.3/build/x86/vc9/lib/opencv_features2d230.lib
By its source code :

#include"C:\OpenCV2.3\build\include\opencv2\features2d\feat ures2d.hpp"

Any advice ?


29th July 2013, 04:52
create a ".pri" file which contains all the source and header of the OpenCV and necessary macros.
then include it in ".pro" file
