View Full Version : setting regExpValidator for TextInput in QMl is not working

1st August 2013, 10:15
I just want to set a hexadecimal validator for my TextInput field in the qml, but somehow it is not validating. Instead of regExpValidator if i use intValidator it works. but I need to have a hexadecimal validator. again if i use Inputmask , it works but I need to specify the no of characters which I cant becuase I need to have it as unlimited.
here is the code sample:
text:some value from cpp
font.pixelSize: 16
font.bold: true
validator: RegExpValidator{regExp: /[0-9A-F]/} // not at all validated
inputMask: ">HHHHHH" // input mask limited for the 6 characters
anchors {
left: parent.left;
verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter;
verticalCenterOffset: -1
leftMargin: 5;
please help if any body has any idea.
Thanks in advance :)

1st August 2013, 11:27
It seems your regular expression only allows a single digit. Try /[0-9A-F]+/ instead.

1st August 2013, 12:16
Hi wysota,
thanks for your reply, but validation is not at all happening.
not for a single digit too. other validators are working fine. I am displaying the default text inside my TextInput and this is also getting validated before displaying when i use some other validators like intvalidator but in case of regExpValidator, it's not doing any kind of validation.

1st August 2013, 13:16
Hi wysota,
thanks for your reply, but validation is not at all happening.
not for a single digit too. other validators are working fine.

This works fine for me:
import QtQuick 2.0

Rectangle {
width: 600
height: 300

TextInput {
focus: true
anchors.fill: parent
validator: RegExpValidator { regExp: /[0-9A-F]+/ }

2nd August 2013, 05:01
thanks....its working fine
but the problem is I am setting the text property with some older value which is not a valid input, then this should not display that but it is displaying. do you have any idea why?

2nd August 2013, 07:49
but the problem is I am setting the text property with some older value which is not a valid input, then this should not display that but it is displaying. do you have any idea why?

Validator works on user input, not on a text set programatically.

5th August 2013, 07:00
ok thanks wysota

7th August 2013, 12:56
i have one more problem with this Validator.
I want to change the validator regular exp by using state change. its able to set the other properties based on the states but not validator.
validator: RegExpValidator { regExp: /[0-9A-Fa-f.-]+/ }
when: binaryIOField ==true && decimalIOField=== false
PropertyChanges {
target: TextInput;
validator: IntValidator{bottom:0; top:1} // not working , tried with regExp alsio :(

name:decimalvalidator === true
when: decimalIOField
PropertyChanges {
target: TextInput;
//validator: IntValidator{bottom:0; top:9}
inputMask:"9" // able to set the input mask but not validator

can any body tell me why it is not taking. i am getting the error that "component is not ready"

7th August 2013, 13:33
Define all validators you need and only switch which is currently used.

... {
IntValidator { id: intValidator; ... }
RegExpValidator { id: regexpValidator; ... }

TextInput {
validator: useIntValidator ? intValidator : regexpValidator // you can do the same with PropertyChanges

7th August 2013, 18:37
thanks for the reply..I think , I need to use PropertyChanges only because I have more than 3 conditions and I can not use ternary operator for that. Let me try, if it works for me or not.:)

8th August 2013, 07:19
hi wysota,
its working fine with the propertychanges also. only one issue is there. by default my textinput has selected value(displaying it in a highlighted mode). so for the first time input it doesn't go for the validation. If I use the backspace to empty the input field and then if try to give some value to the input field , it goes for the validation and works perfectly. why is it so? any idea?
Thanks in advance :)

8th August 2013, 07:26
I have already told you -- the validator only work on user input, not on content that is already set in the item.

8th August 2013, 07:31
its working fine
this problem comes only when you have wrong invalidated input value in your input field. I f you have the correctly validated value then it doesn't allow the wrong inputs. Thanks a lot :)
makin it as a Solved thread now.

hi wysota,
its working fine with the propertychanges also. only one issue is there. by default my textinput has selected value(displaying it in a highlighted mode). so for the first time input it doesn't go for the validation. If I use the backspace to empty the input field and then if try to give some value to the input field , it goes for the validation and works perfectly. why is it so? any idea?
Thanks in advance :)