View Full Version : QWT Plot Zoomer, using Examples from QWT 6.1.0

12th August 2013, 21:41
Hi, I'm new to both QT and c++ in general, however I'm trying to repurpose one of the qwt examples (cpuplot) from the 6.1.0 source. One of the problems I'm having has to do with the scale on the bottom not taking into account the current zoom level. In the timeEvent() function, before it calls replot(), it calls setAxisScale() and moves the values over by 1 second, so that the scale appears to "scroll." The problem is, if I use a zoomer and select a zoom rectangle, it zooms in both axis, and as soon as it calls replot again, the axis are completely skewed, as it has re-set the axis to some static value in order to give the appearance of "scrolling." How can I modify the call before replot() to take zooming into account, so that it doesn't appear to be "jumping" from the scale it sets when it zoomed in, to the scale it sets to give the appearance of scrolling?