View Full Version : I cannot deploy my application

21st August 2013, 15:30

Help me to deploy my application.

Must I add all dll? But they are very much.

I added:


I must to add:


21st August 2013, 19:04
When I run my application manually I receive this message:


I wanna to give my application to people. I want to be sure that it will run on any machine without any problems.

21st August 2013, 23:42
You need only the Qt DLLs that your program directly uses, any Qt plugins that your program indirectly uses for things like image formats or SQL connections (they don't show in Dependency Walker), and the DLLs that make up your C/C++ run time (MINGWM10.DLL and LIBGCC_S_DW2-1.DLL for the GCC 4.4 Qt SDK output).
Creating the Application Package

If you are using a different GCC/MingW build then your MingW runtime libraries may be different and they must match correctly with how Qt was built. What exactly are you using to build?

sysntfy and ieshims are part of Windows and should not be deployed. BTW, ieshims always shows missing on my deployments and I have never seen an issue.

22nd August 2013, 05:45
Thanks! I will try :)

13th October 2013, 09:00
My simple Gui application requires following .dll's on another clean computer:


It requires more and more dll's. I don't want build Qt statically. What must my users to install that my Qt application will work correctly?

Sorry for my English.

13th October 2013, 16:57
I deployed my application. I hope those dll's are enough for deploying the "SimpleMainWindow" on any computers:


13th October 2013, 22:59
The requirements beyond the basic QtX4.dlls are spelled out in the Deploying an Application on Windows. If your application uses images in formats other than PNG, SQL, CJK text processing, etc. then you may well need to deploy plugins with your program.

14th October 2013, 02:53
I will read it through carefully. Thanks!

17th December 2013, 19:13
My "Step by Step" instruction how to build applications without libstdc++-6.dll, libgcc_s_dw2-1.dll, Qt5Core.dll, Qt5Gui.dll and so on.


Version of Qt: Qt 5.2.0 for Windows 32-bit (MinGW 4.8, OpenGL, 689 MB)

OS: Window 7

- download and install Qt 5.2.0 for Windows 32-bit (MinGW 4.8, OpenGL, 689 MB) (check Source Components) from here http://qt-project.org/downloads

- move to C:\Qt\Qt5.2.0\5.2.0\Src\qtbase\mkspecs\win32-g++ and open qmake.conf

- find QMAKE_LFLAGS in qmake.conf and rewrite it:

QMAKE_LFLAGS = -static -static-libgcc

- open console Start -> All Programs -> Qt 5.2.0 -> 5.2.0 -> MinGW 4.8 (32-bit) -> Qt 5.2.0 for Desktop (MinGW 4.8 32 bit)

cd c:\Qt\Qt5.2.0\5.2.0\Src\qtbase

configure -static -prefix "C:\Qt\Qt5.2.0_static" -opengl desktop -nomake examples -nomake tests


mingw32-make install

- run QtCreator

- in menu "Tools" -> "Options..."

- Build & Run -> Qt Versions -> click "Add..." button -> select "C:\Qt\Qt5.2.0_static\bin\qmake.exe" -> click "Apply" button

- go to "Kits" tab -> click "Add" button

- write in the field "Name": Desktop Qt 5.2.0 Static MinGW 32 bit

- select in "Qt version": static Qt virsion

- click Ok

- create a test project, for this:

- in menu "File" -> "New File or Project" -> "Applications" -> "Qt Widgets Application" -> click "Choose" button

- enter the "Name": Hello_Static_Qt -> enter the "Create in": D:\QtProjects -> click "Next" -> select "Desktop Qt 5.2.0 Static MinGW 32 bit" -> click "Next" -> click "Next" -> click "Finish"

- click "Projects" in the right panel

- click "Desktop Qt 5.2.0 Static MinGW 32 bit" on the top

- select "Edit build configuration": Release

- in the "Build Steps" in "qmake" expend "Details"

- select "qmake build configuration": Release

- enter "Additional arguments": "CONFIG += release" (in double quotes)

- in "Menu" -> click "Build" -> "Build Project 'Hello_static_Qt'"

- go to "D:\QtProjects\build-Hello_Static_Qt-Desktop_Qt_5_2_0_Static_MinGW_32bit-Release\release"

- run your static application: Hello_Static_Qt.exe