View Full Version : save line edit text to tabel widget row

24th August 2013, 05:03
i had taken two different forms in qtcreater in one form i had taken tablewidget in another form i had taken line edit and push button in same form when i click on pushbutton the lineedit text should save in table widget row.send me sample code.

24th August 2013, 06:18
Use QTableView instead QTableWidget. It is very convenient. http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-4.8/modelview.html

24th August 2013, 07:06
Have you tried it once?
sample code will not solve your problem if you have not tried it yet.

You have to send SIGNALS from one window to other.
Implement a SLOT which will execute when SIGNAL emit, and add a new row in QTableWidget.

24th August 2013, 09:06
I wrote the example for you.