View Full Version : QMdiapp and with multiple windows and cursors in each window

28th August 2013, 19:37
I'm trying display two images side by side (an original and an enhanced copy), and I want to have the position of the system cursor in one QGLWidget mirrored in the other. I've created a QCursor for the 2nd window/QGLWidget, called (widget)->setCursor(), and then (cursor)->setPos(x,y). When I do this the cursor jumps out of the widget and MdiApp and lands in the top left of the monitor.

Can I have 2 cursors? If yes, can anyone give me any tips on how to do this so that the 2nd cursor stays in the intended QGLWidget? If not, then I can choose between drawing the 2nd cursor as an overlay with openGL or QPainter. Any recommendations?

Santosh Reddy
29th August 2013, 13:48
Why you need 2 cursors? Do you have two keyboards/Mouse?

17th October 2013, 14:48
I'm displaying two (or more) geo-coincident images that are locked in roam and zoom. When I move the system cursor over image 1, I want to see a cursor(s) in the other images at the same geo-location. For applications that depend on a human to determine what the object is at a particular location, it is helpful to have multiple sensor types and for small targets, it is very helpful to have a cursor pointing at the exact same pixel(s) in the different images.