View Full Version : Problem on multi-pages preview with QGraphicsScene

29th August 2013, 03:51

I have a QGraphicsScene with size( 318, 3565 ), and need to print it on 4 pages of A4 paper.

But first I need to preview it. I got ghost in between pages in the previewer (see attached images). Is there a way to remove the ghost?

Many thanks

void QfwPrintPreviewWindow::printPreview( QPrinter* printer )
qreal left, top, right, bottom;
printer->getPageMargins( &left, &top, &right, &bottom, QPrinter::Inch );
printer->setPageMargins( left, 0, right, 0, QPrinter::Inch );

QSizeF pSize = printer->pageRect( QPrinter::Inch ).size();
qreal pWidth = pSize.width() * printer->logicalDpiX();
qreal pHeight = pSize.height() * printer->logicalDpiY();

QSizeF sSize = m_scene->sceneRect().size();
qreal sWidth = sSize.width();
qreal sHeight = sSize.height();

int pages = std::ceil( sHeight / pHeight );

QRectF targetRect( QPointF( 0, 0 ), QSizeF( pWidth, pHeight ) );
QRectF sourceRect( QPointF( 0, 0 ), QSizeF( sWidth, pHeight ) );

QPainter painter( printer );

for ( int idx = 0; idx < pages; idx++ ) {
painter.drawRect( targetRect );
m_scene->render( &painter, targetRect, sourceRect );

// move printer 1 page down
sourceRect.translate( 0, pHeight );

// create new page
if ( idx < pages - 1 ) {

31st August 2013, 06:30
Anyone please?