View Full Version : how to display bartitle under axis in qwtPlotBarChart?

30th August 2013, 15:55
Hi all,

Despite my research in qwt documentation and using Google, I have not found a way to display bar titles below the X axis (instead of the numbers 0, 1 ...) in a bar chart. To make it a bit more clear, here is what a barchart looks like in the examples of qwt:
Under the X axis there is only numbers and the legend contains the bar titles (Bar 0, Bar 1 and Bar 2)
Here is what I would like to achieve. Under the bars we can read country names.

If anyone has a clue how to do that I would be grateful if he or she can share his/her knowledge.


31st August 2013, 17:08
Have a look at DistroScaleDraw in the distrowatch example. It is a different type of bar chart, but the way how to set the tick labels is the same.


2nd September 2013, 16:03
Thank you very much Uwe, that is exactly what I was looking for !