View Full Version : Viewing cameras based on their previously opened positions

4th September 2013, 09:05
I want to view 2 or 3 cameras in a single window i.e., Viewer Panel Manager and once I close it nd run the program again, I should be able to view the cameras in the same position is my requirement.

And after running the program, every camera is seen only after two steps. One is we should open it and the second is we should Add Viewer to it. Only then is the camera window displayed. Now the req is it should be displayed in the same position where it was previously displayed. I am not able to conclude on how to do it.

There is an option to view the cameras in 1,2 or 3 columns. This might help in fixing the cameras position. And the Viewer Panel Manager is displayed inside one more window i.e., CameraGuiRepo.

There is also an option to detach the window of a camera and move it.