View Full Version : Cannot find id

9th September 2013, 11:27
Hi all,

I have what I think is a very simple problem.. I want to find out an object's 'id' from javascript. Take the following example:

import QtQuick 2.0
Rectangle {
id: test
x: 10; y: 10
width: 122; height: 117
color: "red"
objectName: "testing"

MouseArea {
anchors.fill: parent
console.log("parent id: " + parent.id);
console.log("parent objectName: " + parent.objectName);

The output from above is

parent id: undefined
parent objectName: testing

As a solution to my problem I can use objectName and this will work fine. The question is why can't I use id? I can not see any reason you shouldnt be able to do this, it seems perfectly valid to me.

Kind regards

9th September 2013, 11:52
The id is not a property of the object. it's a reference to the object itself.