View Full Version : qwtpolar

10th September 2013, 13:22
Hi, I have a bit of a problem installing QwtPolar library into my Qt 4.8.1(mingw). When I'm trying to make qwtpolar.pro with mingw32, it throws an error like:
In file included from qwt_polar_fitter.cpp9: qwt_polar_fitter.h:13:30: error qwt _curve_fitter.h: No such file or directory ....
I know that I have to somehow include path to the qwt library, but I have no clue on how to do it, nothing works for me what I found on an internet. Can anybody help me how to do it?
Any help appreciate.

11th September 2013, 07:57
The project files of the qwtpolar package contain the line "CONFIG += qwt", what adds the correct include path to the Qwt headers - when Qwt had been installed properly.
See http://qwt.sourceforge.net/qwtinstall.html


11th September 2013, 18:41
Thank you very much. Now it works well.
For some unknown reason I had wrong written PATH environment variable.

8th October 2013, 12:22
Hello Uwe (or anyone else),

I'm really sorry, but I seem to have the same error as Henrich, but I can't manage to solve it.

I thoroughly followed the QWT build and install procedure (several times), and I setted the QMAKEFEATURES env variable to the qwt feature folder.
I still get serveral error about qwt.h files not found; the frst error beeing exactly the one Henrich wrote about in his first post.

Do you have an idea ?

If it helps : After the command 'qmake qwtpolar.pro', All "qwt lines" I can see in the Makefile contains :qwtconfig, qwtfunctions and qwt.prf (in the rule named 'Makefile')

9th October 2013, 14:07
Hello again,

After re-installing QWT from scratch and setting QMAKEFEATURES env variable to $QWT_ROOT/features, I don't get these includes errors.

My bad.