View Full Version : how to run a vbs script in resource from inside QT

14th September 2013, 10:46
Hello Gurus,

I need to execute a vbs script from inside QT Proc, in order to read machine data

VBS script prints the output to the console and works fine .. but

I inserted the script into a resource and since then, i can not call the script from the resource probably because it is compiled at run time
so the other idea i came to is to read the script from the resource .. but how can i pass the QStringList to the Proc as a parameter to the "cscript.exe" file

following is my code

#include "winserial.h"
#include "ui_winserial.h"
#include <QProcess>
#include <QDebug>
#include <QFile>

#include <QString>
#include <QTextStream>

QStringList WinSerial::Read(QString Filename)
QFile mFile(Filename);
QStringList arg;
if(!mFile.open(QFile::ReadOnly | QFile::Text))
qDebug() << "could not open file for reading";

return arg;
QTextStream in(&mFile);
QString mText = in.readAll();
arg << mText;
return arg;

WinSerial::WinSerial(QWidget *parent) :
ui(new Ui::WinSerial)
QProcess proc;
QStringList arg;

//proc.start("D:/Activate Software/typing tutor MAC/macserial/win.vbs");

QFile file(":/win.vbs");

arg = Read(":/win.vbs");

qDebug() << arg; // this reads the string correct

QString name = "cscript" ;

proc.start("cstring" , arg); // this does not work, in windows we would write cscript win.vbs but the file is a QStringList in memory

QString uID = proc.readAll();


delete ui;


14th September 2013, 12:10
Create file on disk (best in tmp dir) and then run script executor with full path to this file.

15th September 2013, 11:30
Also see QTemporaryFile
