View Full Version : examples for implementation of qsimplex algorithm

18th September 2013, 14:22
I have a source file for qsimplex, which is given in the link below:


The header file is given in the link:


I have a text file with some data like:


obj: 3e-06 A - 3e-06 B + 2.7e-01 F


RXN1: -1 A + 1 B -1 C + 1 D -1 E -1 F = 0

RXN2: -1 A + 1 B -1 C + 1 D -1 E -1 F = 0

RXN3: -1 A + 1 B -1 C + 1 D -1 E -1 F = 0

RXN4: -1 A + 1 B -1 C + 1 D -1 E -1 F = 0

... many constraints like this


A >= 0
B <= 100
C >= 0

...........many bounds like this.

I wrote a small program to get the data from this file:

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

int main()
ifstream ifs("Metabolism.txt");
string line;
while(getline(ifs,line)) {
cout << "[ " << line << " ]" << endl;

I want some help to parse all the constraints and bounds as inputs and get the maximum value of the objective function as the output using the above lpsolver header file.

I want to see some examples of implementation of this Linear programming solver in order to use it. Could you anyone suggest some examples?


19th September 2013, 08:14
I would suggest to use QFile + QTextStream for reading the data.
QTextStream's readLine() returns a QString and QString has nicer methods for substring operations, can be used together with QRegExp, etc.


19th September 2013, 15:27
Hi anda_skoa,
Since I am a newbie to Qt, I do not know how to use QFile + QTextStream.

I have written a small program like:

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <map>

typedef double qreal;

struct QSimplexVariable
QSimplexVariable() : result(0), index(0) {}
qreal result;
int index;

struct QSimplexConstraint
QSimplexConstraint() : constant(0), ratio(Equal), artificial(0) {}
enum Ratio {LessOrEqual = 0,Equal,MoreOrEqual};
float constant;
Ratio ratio;
std::pair<QSimplexVariable *, qreal> helper;
QSimplexVariable * artificial;

QSimplexConstraint parseMe(const std::string& str)
return QSimplexConstraint() ; // I should fill some thing more here to parse the string as a QsimplexConstraint.

using namespace std;

int main()
std::string constraintString;
cout << "Enter a constraint string: ";
getline(cin, constraintString);
QSimplexConstraint qc = parseMe( constraintString );

Could you please help me to complete my code from here.


19th September 2013, 17:34
You don't have to use Qt.
If you are more comfortable with STL types such as ifstream and string, please by all means use those.
