View Full Version : Inserting QTextList into QTextDocument

20th September 2013, 14:55
I am trying to insert a QTextList into a QTextDocument and am having some difficulties.

I have my QTextCursor at the proper spot in the QTextDocument and call

cursor.insertList( listFormat );

From the documentation, this returns me a pointer to the QTextList and inserts a new block into the document that is the first list item in the list. So then do I just insert text into this block? Now when I want to add additional QTextBlocks into the list, do I insert them into the document with the cursor and then call QTextList::add to also add the block to the list? If so, do I create these new list item QTextBlocks with a standard QTextBlockFormat or a QTextListFormat like it appears the first list item QTextBlock received upon QTextList creation?

Please let me know if I can provide any further clarification!