View Full Version : override QAbstractItemView::viewOptions never called

25th September 2013, 16:13
Hi there

I just need to align icon in QTableWidget. I found solution for it. So I should simple override QAbstractItemView::viewOptions.
So I did it.

But my overridden method is never called and it drives me nuts.

My code looks like this

#include <QTableWidget>

class CMyTable : public QTableWidget
CMyTable (QWidget *parent);
~CMyTable (void);


QStyleOptionViewItem viewOptions() const override;

QStyleOptionViewItem CMyTable ::viewOptions() const
QStyleOptionViewItem option = QTableWidget::viewOptions();
option.decorationAlignment = Qt::AlignHCenter | Qt::AlignCenter;
option.decorationPosition = QStyleOptionViewItem::Top;

return option;

Please if anybody knows what can be problem please let me know.