View Full Version : how to set color of the log from log4qt ?

27th September 2013, 08:47
I have read the log4j manual and my code put it this way .

patternLayout->setConversionPattern("%highlight{%d [%t] %-5level: %m%n%throwable}{FATAL=white, ERROR=red, WARN=blue, INFO=black, DEBUG=green, TRACE=blue}");

But the log shows : %highlight{2013-09-27 15:37:59.153 [] evel: mypicker begins
hrowable}{FATAL=white, ERROR=red, WARN=blue, INFO=black, DEBUG=green, TRACE=blue}

It seems log4Qt does nothing to the keywork " highlight","throwable" and the rest about colors .

Did I miss something ? Please somebody help me . Thanks a lot .