View Full Version : Deploy QPlatformInputContext plug in on Android

1st October 2013, 15:39

I have to subclass QPlatformInputContext and deploy it as platform plug in along with our android application.
What has to be added to the pro file to force QtCreator to create libs.xml accordingly?

Thanks in advance!

2nd October 2013, 12:02
I have added the plug in to the resource file. So I am able to restore and load it manually after application start.

This leads me to a new problem:

The plug in shall replace the system keyboard on android. It consists of 2 classes (myPlatformInputContextPlugin as factory & myInputContext as product).
As QInputMethod uses QPlatformInputContext to show/hide the system keyboard, I though this would be sufficient. Unfortunately, it does not work as expected because the function

QPlatformInputContext * myPlatformInputContextPlugin::create(const QString&, const QStringList&);

never gets called. What else could I do to replace the keyboard?

7th April 2016, 14:16
Were you able to deploy your plugin?
I'm facing the same problem and would be very helpful any hints.


7th April 2016, 18:51
Ok, I was able to solve the problem putting mine keyboard source inside android platform plugin and modifying QAndroidPlatformIntegration::inputContext() method