View Full Version : Quadratic curve plotting in Qt

9th October 2013, 10:49
Can any one tell me is there any way available for quadratic curve plotting in qt

9th October 2013, 21:33
You can code plotting a mathematical function in quite a number of ways. There are third party libraries to help with more advanced plotting (e.g. Qwt).

If you are looking for help with what seems likely to be a school project then you will have to demonstrate some effort.

10th October 2013, 07:46
Hi shivendra,
Your problem is very simple. You can create a quadratic data and draw that.
Ploting data in Qt can use "http://www.qcustomplot.com/"
You can get more explanation from that site plotting tutorial.

Best regards,


11th October 2013, 06:51
Hey m sorry that i didn't explain what i want actually my problem is that i want to implement it using matrix calculation and i cant find any predefined matrix class. I used the same thing on Matlab.
I did some Googling and found that qt 4.7 and above have QGenericMatrix class. But now I am stuck over using the Qt version in my QtCreator.

11th October 2013, 07:58
If you want to get matrix library/class. You can use armadillo ( http://arma.sourceforge.net/ ).
This library can help you create matrix calculation easy like Matlab

Best regards,
