View Full Version : how to build wwWidgets for arm linux?

25th October 2013, 10:05
hi everybody,I download wwWidgets source from http://www.wysota.eu.org/wwwidgets/.
I build in linux desktop ,it work fine but when i try to build it for my ARM board- > compile error says it can’t find QtDesigner....
don't have QtDesigner include and lib in qt embedded arm. how to build wwWidgets for arm linux? help me..!

25th October 2013, 10:54
Build just the "widgets" subproject.

26th October 2013, 02:15
sorry wysota,i only can find 2 file : qwwhuesatradialpicker.cpp , qwwhuesatradialpicker.h in wwWidgets/widgets/qwwhuesatradialpicker , i can't build it. If when i create new project and add this two file into project and build -> it appearance many error. i don't understand how to build subproject "huesatradialpicker" for arm. mr.wysota, can you help me explain more about it?thanks..!

26th October 2013, 05:17
The widgets subproject resides in the "widgets" directory. There is a pro file there which builds the project.

29th October 2013, 09:58
thank you wysota,I builded for arm OK.
I like qtcenter :)