View Full Version : Exited with code 62097

28th October 2013, 21:49
I get this code now when I execute my program Exited with code 62097. The program worked fine and then all of a sudden when I execute it, it gives me that code error.

If someone could help me I would appreciate it.

28th October 2013, 23:55
We will just guess because we have absolutely no information to go on.

That return code (62097 == 0xF291) appears in QProcess when kill() is called (Google is your friend).

Have you run your program in your debugger and determined where it is failing?

30th October 2013, 00:40
//here is the code where the player exist.

void Canvas::setUpPlayerIcons(string *pString)
QPixmap qpx;
QSize iconSize;
string str;

for (int i = 0; i < MAXCARDS; i++)
cardIconPlayer[i] = new QLabel(cardTable);
str = pString[i];
qpx = QPixmap(str.c_str());
iconSize = qpx.size();
iconSize.scale(190, 276, Qt::KeepAspectRatio);
QPixmap scaledImage = qpx.scaled(iconSize, Qt::KeepAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation);
cardIconPlayer[i]->move(20 + 60 * i, 380);


//After debugging there seems to be a called to what() function and a string size problem.
//pString reads the value of ":/new/images/207.png"@Ox21fa19b4 and
//string reads ":/new/images/207.png"
//Can you also tell me how to post proper code


30th October 2013, 06:31
See my sig for how to post code.

As long as cardIconPlayer[] and pString[] have at least MAXCARDS elements each, and valid values in pString[], then there is nothing that stands out as horrendously broken here. How many images are we talking about (207?) and how large are they? Running out of memory?

You need to run a debug version of your program in your debugger and, when it crashes, obtain the stack back trace. This will tell you the code path that was taken to arrive at the termination of your program.