View Full Version : GraphicsView performance problems

Gopala Krishna
16th February 2007, 05:36
Actually this is continuation of this thread (http://www.qtcentre.org/forum/f-qt-programming-2/t-drawing-grids-efficiently-in-qgraphicsscene-5609.html) but the question is quite different.
I am running into performance problems when multiple items are moved. The peformance is better when I disable the children of resistor(nodes and text item). But I want those features in my app. Also the grid look corrupted when items are moved. Any suggestion for that ?
Here is the profile output

Flat profile:

Each sample counts as 0.01 seconds.
% cumulative self self total
time seconds seconds calls Ts/call Ts/call name
75.08 0.03 0.03 GridScene::drawBackground(QPainter*, QRectF const&)
25.03 0.04 0.01 Resistor::boundingRect() const
0.00 0.04 0.00 119168 0.00 0.00 QVarLengthArray<QLineF, 100>::realloc(int, int)

Here is the shorter version of the code. Select all items and move so that you can see what I mean. Please help me. :)

#include <QtGui>

class GridScene : public QGraphicsScene
GridScene(qreal x, qreal y, qreal w, qreal h)
: QGraphicsScene(x, y, w, h)
{ }

void drawBackground(QPainter *painter, const QRectF &rect)
const int gridSize = 25;
qreal left = int(rect.left()) - (int(rect.left()) % gridSize);
qreal top = int(rect.top()) - (int(rect.top()) % gridSize);

QVarLengthArray<QLineF, 100> lines;

for (qreal x = left; x < rect.right(); x += gridSize)
lines.append(QLineF(x, rect.top(), x, rect.bottom()));
for (qreal y = top; y < rect.bottom(); y += gridSize)
lines.append(QLineF(rect.left(), y, rect.right(), y));

painter->drawLines(lines.data(), lines.size());

class Node : public QGraphicsItem
Node(QPointF pos ,QGraphicsItem *par = 0, QGraphicsScene *sc = 0) : QGraphicsItem(par,sc)

void paint(QPainter* p,const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *, QWidget *)
p->drawEllipse(QRectF(-3, -3, 2*3, 2*3));

QPainterPath shape() const
QPainterPath path;
path.addEllipse(QRectF(-3, -3, 2*3, 2*3));
return path;

QRectF boundingRect() const
return QRectF(-3, -3, 2*3, 2*3);


class Resistor : public QGraphicsItem
Resistor(QGraphicsItem *par = 0, QGraphicsScene *scene = 0) : QGraphicsItem(par,scene)
setFlags(ItemIsMovable | ItemIsSelectable | ItemIsFocusable);
// comment the following 4 lines to see the performance difference
QGraphicsTextItem *t = new QGraphicsTextItem("R1 = 100k",this,scene);
new Node(QPointF(-30,0),this,scene);
new Node(QPointF(30,0),this,scene);

void paint(QPainter *p, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *o, QWidget *)
if(!(o->state & QStyle::State_Open))
if(o->state & QStyle::State_Selected)

p->drawLine(-18, -9, 18, -9);
p->drawLine( 18, -9, 18, 9);
p->drawLine( 18, 9,-18, 9);
p->drawLine(-18, 9,-18, -9);
p->drawLine(-27, 0,-18, 0);
p->drawLine( 18, 0, 27, 0);

QRectF boundingRect() const
qreal pw = 0.5;
return QRectF(-27,-9,54,18).adjusted(-pw,-pw,pw,pw);

int main(int argc,char *argv[])
QApplication app(argc,argv);
GridScene scene(0,0,1024,768);
for(int j = 2; j < 4; ++j)
for(int i = 1; i <11; ++i)
Resistor *r = new Resistor(0,&scene);
r->setPos(j*100, i * 50);
QGraphicsView *view = new QGraphicsView(&scene);
view->setRenderHints(QPainter::Antialiasing | QPainter::SmoothPixmapTransform);
return app.exec();

16th February 2007, 05:57
In your main function just add

view->setViewport(new QGLWidget);

I am sure, this will improve the performence.
please add QGLWidget include file & path in settings.

Gopala Krishna
16th February 2007, 06:12
In your main function just add

view->setViewport(new QGLWidget);

I am sure, this will improve the performence.
please add QGLWidget include file & path in settings.

Wish I could have done that but I can't use opengl since the app is targeted to platforms even without opengl support.
But I tested it now and found some improvement but sadly I can't use it.

16th February 2007, 12:31
What if you disable the render hints while painting the background? Do you get a significant performance gain? Could you also please include information about profiling for drawBackground()? It might require a recompilation of Qt!

Gopala Krishna
16th February 2007, 13:20
What if you disable the render hints while painting the background? Do you get a significant performance gain?
Disabling render hints didn't improve the performance significantly.

Could you also please include information about profiling for drawBackground()?!It might require a recompilation of Qt
I can do that but i may have to do re-recompilation later :(
Before that, do you see any problems in my code ? Did you see performance difference after commenting the lines ? Atleast I would like to wait till Bitto answers something since compiling qt is time consuming!

Gopala Krishna
17th February 2007, 10:09
As I already pointed out that performance is better without those nodes and textitems as children. Does that mean drawBackground() is being called twice for same area ? Does the framework lack any optimization in calculating this before hand ?

17th February 2007, 10:14
drawBackground() get called every time whenever your window painted, means when ever you move window or resize..

Gopala Krishna
17th February 2007, 10:29
drawBackground() get called every time whenever your window painted, means when ever you move window or resize..

No. That is just one of the case. drawBackground() is called always before updating the required item(eg when its moved) with the probably the item's bounding rect. You can check that by just printing something say qDebug() << rect; in the method.

17th February 2007, 10:36
Also the grid look corrupted when items are moved. Any suggestion for that ?

In my experience floating point arithmetic is always a nice way to get unexpected results...

Have you tried using QLine instead of QLineF
(It might give you a little speedup too, since often integer calculations are faster than floating point calculations.)

Also, do you know which rounding functions the int cast uses?
Does it "round to nearest"? Does it do a "floor"? Does it do a "ceil"?
It might make a difference, so you might want to be explicit there.

Good luck :-)

Gopala Krishna
17th February 2007, 10:45
In my experience loating point arithmetic is always a nice way to get unexpected results (in my experience)...

Have you tried using QLine instead of QLineF
(It might give you a little speedup too, since often integer calculations are faster than floating point calculations.)

Also, do you know which rounding functions the int cast uses?
Does it "round to nearest"? Does it do a "floor"? Does it do a "ceil"?
It might make a difference, so you might want to be explicit there.

Good luck :-)

I think you are right. I will test with QLine since I don't need floating points for the grid. Thanks for pointing this. :)

Gopala Krishna
17th February 2007, 10:58
I tested with QLine but that didn't make a difference. Also i am not sure what the int cast does - i feel it just takes int part without rounding. But do you think this will make a difference since I am following one convention in all places in drawBackground() ?

17th February 2007, 11:28
I tested with QLine but that didn't make a difference. Also i am not sure what the int cast does - i feel it just takes int part without rounding. But do you think this will make a difference since I am following one convention in all places in drawBackground() ?

It does make a difference:

void drawBackground(QPainter *painter, const QRectF &rect)
const int gridSize = 25;

const int realLeft = static_cast<int>(std::floor(rect.left()));
const int realRight = static_cast<int>(std::ceil(rect.right()));
const int realTop = static_cast<int>(std::floor(rect.top()));
const int realBottom = static_cast<int>(std::ceil(rect.bottom()));

const int firstLeftGridLine = realLeft - (realLeft % gridSize);
const int firstTopGridLine = realTop - (realTop % gridSize);

QVarLengthArray<QLine, 100> lines;

for (int x = firstLeftGridLine; x <= realRight; x += gridSize)
lines.append(QLine(x, realTop, x, realBottom));
for (int y = firstTopGridLine; y <= realBottom; y += gridSize)
lines.append(QLine(realLeft, y, realRight, y));

painter->drawLines(lines.data(), lines.size());

As you see I make three changes
a) integer instead of float
b) using the containing integer rect as basis (i.e. the smallest integer rect that contains the float rect)
c) I changed the "<" in your for loops to a "<=", i thing part of your corruption was that it did not always repaint the grid when the line was at the border of the exposed rect.

The result: no more corruption of the grid...only weird color changes that I am trying to track down ;-)

EDIT: Of course you now need:

#include <cmath>
for the floor, and ceil to work ;-)

Gopala Krishna
17th February 2007, 11:56
The result: no more corruption of the grid...only weird color changes that I am trying to track down ;-)
for the floor, and ceil to work ;-)

As you said no more corruption but yeah even I am cracking my head a lot on how to remove those weird color changes.
But I tell you I found one magic while experimenting. Try , its fun.

change the bounding rect of Resistor to

QRectF Resistor::boundingRect() const
qreal pw = 0.5;
return QRectF(-47,-9,47*2,18).adjusted(-pw,-pw,pw,pw);

Check for performance now!! :p

17th February 2007, 12:26
I really suggest to recompile Qt with profiling information. You're shooting blind now. Profiling will give you the exact bottleneck point. Furthermore make sure your app is compiled correctly, I think you should be able to have a decomposition of the drawBackground() method in the profiling information as well. It should then tell you which part of the method takes most time and it should be possible to obtain without recompiling Qt.

17th February 2007, 12:33

I just changed your source a bit so that the boundingrects and shapes are only calculated once...

check if that helps with the performance a bit...

(since I cannot realy judge it here... :-)

I also found that the grid-color-problem is lessend (but not gone) when you fill the rect in the draw background,

And the error is gone completely when you turn off anti-aliasing.

Might be a Qt-Bug :-/

Anyways, my version of your code :-)

#include <QtGui>
#include <cmath>

class GridScene : public QGraphicsScene
GridScene(qreal x, qreal y, qreal w, qreal h)
: QGraphicsScene(x, y, w, h)
{ }

void drawBackground(QPainter *painter, const QRectF &rect)
const int gridSize = 25;

const int realLeft = static_cast<int>(std::floor(rect.left()));
const int realRight = static_cast<int>(std::ceil(rect.right()));
const int realTop = static_cast<int>(std::floor(rect.top()));
const int realBottom = static_cast<int>(std::ceil(rect.bottom()));

const int firstLeftGridLine = realLeft - (realLeft % gridSize);
const int firstTopGridLine = realTop - (realTop % gridSize);

QVarLengthArray<QLine, 100> lines;

for (int x = firstLeftGridLine; x <= realRight; x += gridSize)
lines.append(QLine(x, realTop, x, realBottom));
for (int y = firstTopGridLine; y <= realBottom; y += gridSize)
lines.append(QLine(realLeft, y, realRight, y));

//If you uncomment this, you will find the color problem lessened...
//why? well your guess is as good as mine ;-)
// painter->fillRect(QRect(QPoint(realLeft, realTop), QPoint(realRight, realBottom)), QBrush(Qt::white));

painter->drawLines(lines.data(), lines.size());

namespace {
static inline QPainterPath constructNodeShape(const QRect& elipseRect)
QPainterPath path;
return path;

class Node : public QGraphicsItem
Node(QPointF pos ,QGraphicsItem *par = 0, QGraphicsScene *sc = 0)
: QGraphicsItem(par,sc),
elipseRect(-3, -3, 2*3, 2*3),

void paint(QPainter* p,const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *, QWidget *)

QPainterPath shape() const
return elipseShape;

QRectF boundingRect() const
return elipseRect;

const QRect elipseRect;
const QPainterPath elipseShape;

class Resistor : public QGraphicsItem
Resistor(QGraphicsItem *par = 0, QGraphicsScene *scene = 0)
: QGraphicsItem(par,scene),
resistorBox(-18, -9, 36, 18),
connectors(new QLine[2])
setFlags(ItemIsMovable | ItemIsSelectable | ItemIsFocusable);
// comment the following 4 lines to see the performance difference
QGraphicsTextItem *t = new QGraphicsTextItem("R1 = 100k",this,scene);
new Node(QPointF(-30,0),this,scene);
new Node(QPointF(30,0),this,scene);

connectors[0] = QLine(-27, 0, -18, 0);
connectors[1] = QLine(18, 0, 27, 0);

boundingBox |= resistorBox;
boundingBox |= QRectF(connectors[0].x1(), connectors[0].y1(), connectors[0].x2(), connectors[0].y2() );
boundingBox |= QRectF(connectors[1].x1(), connectors[1].y1(), connectors[1].x2(), connectors[1].y2() );
boundingBox.adjust(-0.5, -0.5, 0.5, 0.5);

delete[] connectors;

void paint(QPainter *p, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *o, QWidget *)
if(!(o->state & QStyle::State_Open))
if(o->state & QStyle::State_Selected)

p->drawLines(connectors, 2);

QRectF boundingRect() const
return boundingBox;

QRect resistorBox;
QLine* connectors;
QRectF boundingBox;

int main(int argc,char *argv[])
QApplication app(argc,argv);
GridScene scene(0,0,1024,768);
for(int j = 2; j < 4; ++j)
for(int i = 1; i <11; ++i)
Resistor *r = new Resistor(0,&scene);
r->setPos(j*100, i * 50);
QGraphicsView *view = new QGraphicsView(&scene);
// Turn of antialiasing and the color problem is gone...
view->setRenderHints(QPainter::Antialiasing | QPainter::SmoothPixmapTransform);
return app.exec();

Gopala Krishna
17th February 2007, 13:17
I really suggest to recompile Qt with profiling information. You're shooting blind now. Profiling will give you the exact bottleneck point. Furthermore make sure your app is compiled correctly, I think you should be able to have a decomposition of the drawBackground() method in the profiling information as well. It should then tell you which part of the method takes most time and it should be possible to obtain without recompiling Qt.

ok finally I agree. You are right . I guess there is no decomposition because most method are inlined. Well I'll do that recompilation tomorrow(nice job in the weekend ;) )

17th February 2007, 13:35
First do this (or something simmilar):

void drawLines(QPainter *painter, QVarLengthArray<QLineF, 100> &lines){
painter->drawLines(lines.data(), lines.size());

void setupArray(QVarLengthArray<QLineF, 100> &lines){
const int gridSize = 25;
qreal left = int(rect.left()) - (int(rect.left()) % gridSize);
qreal top = int(rect.top()) - (int(rect.top()) % gridSize);
for (qreal x = left; x < rect.right(); x += gridSize)
lines.append(QLineF(x, rect.top(), x, rect.bottom()));
for (qreal y = top; y < rect.bottom(); y += gridSize)
lines.append(QLineF(rect.left(), y, rect.right(), y));
void drawBackground(QPainter *painter, const QRectF &rect){
QVarLengthArray<QLineF, 100> lines;
drawLines(painter, lines);

This should allow you to measure how much time does it take to setup the array and how much to paint it.

Gopala Krishna
17th February 2007, 13:41

I just changed your source a bit so that the boundingrects and shapes are only calculated once...

check if that helps with the performance a bit...

(since I cannot realy judge it here... :-)

I also found that the grid-color-problem is lessend (but not gone) when you fill the rect in the draw background,

And the error is gone completely when you turn off anti-aliasing.

Might be a Qt-Bug :-/

Anyways, my version of your code :-)

#include <QtGui>
#include <cmath>

class GridScene : public QGraphicsScene

I am really thankful to your support. :)

Yeah you are right. The colouring is gone without antialiasing. But I also experimented with one more thing.
I did this in drawBackground() which didn't alter much

void GridScene::drawBackground(QPainter *p, const QRectF& rect) const
QPainter::RenderHints rh = p->renderHints();

Should be Qt bug I believe. :confused:

Calculating bounding rect beforehand did show improvement in performance. But I feel the main performance blow is in drawBackground(). Somehow I feel that drawBackground() is called more than required times which is causing all these. For example try with this

The performance improves but the background corrupts when we scroll. Also as I pointed in my last but one post, increasing bounding rect of resistor so that it covers node also sigificantly improved performance. This suggests that the rects are not ORred properly before updating that region. ( I may be wrong, correct me if I am)
Well to exactly solve this we need to profile the code (with profiling enabled for qt lib) or use some intelligent techniques (which I am not aware of )

17th February 2007, 13:45
Well, I already did profile it globally and found something rather interesting.

There is no use, trying to draw anything via the qpainter->draw(Rect, Elipsis, Polygons) whatever in Graphics view, since it is going to be converted to a painterpath anyways.

That means, that for every paint, you create a new painterpath, which means that you need to allocate memory, which is slow.

Why a painterpath?
If you check the x11 paintengine, you see that as soon as antialiasing is enabled (or there is a certain amount of TxTranslate, whatever that means), drawing is done using the "path_fallback", which means primitives are first converted to paths before being drawn.
Why? No clue ;-)

But as a result that means, if you draw a lot of (rects, ellipses and polygons, lines...), use a painterpath instead. Preferably even one that you do not recalculate every time you are asked to draw something.. :-)

The source after this transition:

#include <QtGui>
#include <cmath>

class GridScene : public QGraphicsScene
GridScene(qreal x, qreal y, qreal w, qreal h)
: QGraphicsScene(x, y, w, h)
{ }

void drawBackground(QPainter *painter, const QRectF &rect)
const int gridSize = 25;

const int realLeft = static_cast<int>(std::floor(rect.left()));
const int realRight = static_cast<int>(std::ceil(rect.right()));
const int realTop = static_cast<int>(std::floor(rect.top()));
const int realBottom = static_cast<int>(std::ceil(rect.bottom()));

const int firstLeftGridLine = realLeft - (realLeft % gridSize);
const int firstTopGridLine = realTop - (realTop % gridSize);

QPainterPath background;

for (int x = firstLeftGridLine; x <= realRight; x += gridSize) {
background.moveTo(x, realTop);
background.lineTo(x, realBottom);
for (int y = firstTopGridLine; y <= realBottom; y += gridSize) {
background.moveTo(realLeft, y);
background.lineTo(realRight, y);

//If you uncomment this, you will find the color problem lessened...
//why? well your guess is as good as mine ;-)
// painter->fillRect(QRect(QPoint(realLeft, realTop), QPoint(realRight, realBottom)), QBrush(Qt::white));


namespace {
static inline QPainterPath constructNodeShape(const QRect& elipseRect)
QPainterPath path;
return path;

class Node : public QGraphicsItem
Node(QPointF pos ,QGraphicsItem *par = 0, QGraphicsScene *sc = 0)
: QGraphicsItem(par,sc),
elipseRect(-3, -3, 2*3, 2*3),

void paint(QPainter* p,const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *, QWidget *)


QPainterPath shape() const
return elipseShape;

QRectF boundingRect() const
return elipseRect;

const QRect elipseRect;
const QPainterPath elipseShape;

class Resistor : public QGraphicsItem
Resistor(QGraphicsItem *par = 0, QGraphicsScene *scene = 0)
: QGraphicsItem(par,scene)
setFlags(ItemIsMovable | ItemIsSelectable | ItemIsFocusable);
// comment the following 4 lines to see the performance difference
QGraphicsTextItem *t = new QGraphicsTextItem("R1 = 100k",this,scene);
new Node(QPointF(-30,0),this,scene);
new Node(QPointF(30,0),this,scene);

resistorPath.addRect(QRectF(-18.0, -9.0, 36.0, 18.0));
resistorPath.moveTo(-27, 0);
resistorPath.lineTo(-18, 0);
resistorPath.moveTo(18, 0);
resistorPath.lineTo(27, 0);

boundingBox = resistorPath.boundingRect();

void paint(QPainter *p, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *o, QWidget *)
if(!(o->state & QStyle::State_Open))
if(o->state & QStyle::State_Selected)


QRectF boundingRect() const
return boundingBox;

QPainterPath resistorPath;
QRectF boundingBox;

int main(int argc,char *argv[])
QApplication app(argc,argv);
GridScene scene(0,0,1024,768);
for(int j = 2; j < 4; ++j)
for(int i = 1; i <11; ++i)
Resistor *r = new Resistor(0,&scene);
r->setPos(j*100, i * 50);
QGraphicsView *view = new QGraphicsView(&scene);
// Turn of antialiasing and the color problem is gone...
view->setRenderHints(QPainter::Antialiasing | QPainter::SmoothPixmapTransform);
return app.exec();

Gopala Krishna
17th February 2007, 14:07
First do this (or something simmilar):

void drawLines(QPainter *painter, QVarLengthArray<QLineF, 100> &lines){
painter->drawLines(lines.data(), lines.size());

void setupArray(QVarLengthArray<QLineF, 100> &lines){
const int gridSize = 25;
qreal left = int(rect.left()) - (int(rect.left()) % gridSize);
qreal top = int(rect.top()) - (int(rect.top()) % gridSize);
for (qreal x = left; x < rect.right(); x += gridSize)
lines.append(QLineF(x, rect.top(), x, rect.bottom()));
for (qreal y = top; y < rect.bottom(); y += gridSize)
lines.append(QLineF(rect.left(), y, rect.right(), y));
void drawBackground(QPainter *painter, const QRectF &rect){
QVarLengthArray<QLineF, 100> lines;
drawLines(painter, lines);

This should allow you to measure how much time does it take to setup the array and how much to paint it.

Ok I did that, the profile now says

Flat profile:

Each sample counts as 0.01 seconds.
% cumulative self self total
time seconds seconds calls Ts/call Ts/call name
50.05 0.02 0.02 Node:: paint(QPainter*, QStyleOptionGraphicsItem const*, QWidget*)
25.03 0.03 0.01 GridScene::drawBackground(QPainter*, QRectF const&)
25.03 0.04 0.01 Resistor::boundingRect() const
0.00 0.04 0.00 192004 0.00 0.00 QVarLengthArray<QLineF, 100>::realloc(int, int)
0.00 0.04 0.00 36506 0.00 0.00 GridScene::setupArray(QVarLengthArray<QLineF, 100>&, QRectF const&)
0.00 0.04 0.00 36506 0.00 0.00 GridScene::drawLines(QPainter*, QVarLengthArray<QLineF, 100>&)
0.00 0.04 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 global constructors keyed to _ZN9GridScene9drawLinesEP8QPainterR15QVarLengthArr ayI6QLineFLi100EE
0.00 0.04 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 __static_initialization_and_destruction_0(int, int)


Call graph (explanation follows)

granularity: each sample hit covers 2 byte(s) for 24.97% of 0.04 seconds

index % time self children called name
[1] 50.0 0.02 0.00 Node:: paint(QPainter*, QStyleOptionGraphicsItem const*, QWidget*) [1]
[2] 25.0 0.01 0.00 GridScene::drawBackground(QPainter*, QRectF const&) [2]
0.00 0.00 36506/36506 GridScene::setupArray(QVarLengthArray<QLineF, 100>&, QRectF const&) [12]
0.00 0.00 36506/36506 GridScene::drawLines(QPainter*, QVarLengthArray<QLineF, 100>&) [13]
[3] 25.0 0.01 0.00 Resistor::boundingRect() const [3]
0.00 0.00 192004/192004 GridScene::setupArray(QVarLengthArray<QLineF, 100>&, QRectF const&) [12]
[11] 0.0 0.00 0.00 192004 QVarLengthArray<QLineF, 100>::realloc(int, int) [11]
0.00 0.00 36506/36506 GridScene::drawBackground(QPainter*, QRectF const&) [2]
[12] 0.0 0.00 0.00 36506 GridScene::setupArray(QVarLengthArray<QLineF, 100>&, QRectF const&) [12]
0.00 0.00 192004/192004 QVarLengthArray<QLineF, 100>::realloc(int, int) [11]
0.00 0.00 36506/36506 GridScene::drawBackground(QPainter*, QRectF const&) [2]
[13] 0.0 0.00 0.00 36506 GridScene::drawLines(QPainter*, QVarLengthArray<QLineF, 100>&) [13]
0.00 0.00 1/1 __do_global_ctors_aux [25]
[14] 0.0 0.00 0.00 1 global constructors keyed to _ZN9GridScene9drawLinesEP8QPainterR15QVarLengthArr ayI6QLineFLi100EE [14]
0.00 0.00 1/1 __static_initialization_and_destruction_0(int, int) [15]
0.00 0.00 1/1 global constructors keyed to _ZN9GridScene9drawLinesEP8QPainterR15QVarLengthArr ayI6QLineFLi100EE [14]
[15] 0.0 0.00 0.00 1 __static_initialization_and_destruction_0(int, int) [15]

17th February 2007, 14:27
Well...[CUT BECAUSE SOMETHING WEIRD IS GOING ON...it seems to be as if drawing the lines one by one is faster...but somehow that is rather unbelievable on second thought]...

Another method of getting rid of spurious mallocs is to reuse Pens and Brushes...

I guess i will not repost all of the code for these little changes...

Does anyone has access to a profiler on windows/mac? I would like to know if those changes that were good for linux (ellipses, rect -> painterpath) lines drawn one by one, is also good for these palatforms ;-)

Gopala Krishna
17th February 2007, 14:33
Well, after some more testing I found out that it is cheaper (in the drawBackground) method to draw the lines one by one, than to regenerate a new painterpath everytime.

Another method of getting rid of spurious mallocs is to reuse Pens and Brushes...

I guess i will not repost all of the code for these little changes...

Does anyone has access to a profiler on windows/mac? I would like to know if those changes that were good for linux (ellipses, rect -> painterpath) lines drawn one by one, is also good for these palatforms ;-)
Yeah exactly I too would like to know opinion on windows especially. Did anyone notice performance difference between windows and linux when you select and move all items ?

17th February 2007, 14:37
[2] 25.0 0.01 0.00 GridScene::drawBackground(QPainter*, QRectF const&) [2]
0.00 0.00 36506/36506 GridScene::setupArray(QVarLengthArray<QLineF, 100>&, QRectF const&) [12]
0.00 0.00 36506/36506 GridScene::drawLines(QPainter*, QVarLengthArray<QLineF, 100>&) [13]

That looks really weird.
The reason probably once again that the time is spent inside of Qt-Code and not yours, so sadly that does not help.
Or it could have been inlined, again not really helpfull :-/

Have you tried valgrind/callgrind and KCacheGrind as a profiler? It is rather nice :-)

17th February 2007, 14:51
That looks really weird.
The reason probably once again that the time is spent inside of Qt-Code and not yours, so sadly that does not help.
These figures are wrong. All functions from inside Qt should be counted on behalf of the functions calling them and here all functions have nothing but zeros. The application needs to run longer.

Or it could have been inlined, again not really helpfull :-/
Yes, that's possible, especially if they were implemented inside the class header and optimisations were enabled.

You must be sure to disable inlining optimisations. You can use -fno-inline to disable inlining.

Gopala Krishna
17th February 2007, 14:58
Yup! you both are right. Anyway I am recompiling Qt tomorrow. I'll surely post after I do that. In the meanwhile I'd like to inform you people that I have never used cachegrind. Is that better than gprof ? If yes how should I use that ?

17th February 2007, 15:02
Did you try my last modification? Did it change anything for you?

Yup! you both are right. Anyway I am recompiling Qt tomorrow. I'll surely post after I do that. In the meanwhile I'd like to inform you people that I have never used cachegrind. Is that better than gprof ? If yes how should I use that ?

You do not need to compile anything special (besides DEBUG of course ;-)

Then call

$valgrind --tool=callgrind ./YOUR_APP

this will produce a file called callgrind.out.PID_OF_PROCESS

then you can call

$kcachegrind callgrind.out.PID_OF_PROCESS


17th February 2007, 15:26
I have modified my application which uses QGraphicsView framework to draw a grid simmilar to yours and I implemented it in a worst possible way:

void drawBackground ( QPainter * painter, const QRectF & rect ){
static QPen p(QColor(150,150,150));
for(int row=10+((int)(rect.top())/10)*10; row<rect.bottom(); row+=10){
for(int col = 10+((int)(rect.left())/10)*10; col<rect.right(); col+=10)
painter->drawPoint(col, row);

Profiling info (compiled with -fno-inline -ggdb -pg) looks like this:
% cumulative self self total
time seconds seconds calls us/call us/call name
33.33 0.02 0.02 1547664 0.01 0.01 QRectF::right() const
33.33 0.04 0.02 SpecScene::drawBackground(QPainter*, QRectF const&)
16.67 0.05 0.01 1527572 0.01 0.01 QPainter::drawPoint(int, int)
As you see 33% of the application time is spent in drawBackground and half of it is used to calculate QRectF::right() (which makes sense as it gets calculated in each iteration of the loop) and pretty much is used to actually draw the points.

index % time self children called name
[1] 83.3 0.02 0.03 SpecScene::drawBackground(QPainter*, QRectF const&) [1]
0.02 0.00 1547627/1547664 QRectF::right() const [2]
0.01 0.00 1527572/1527572 QPainter::drawPoint(int, int) [3]
0.00 0.00 20635/20651 QRectF::bottom() const [35]
0.00 0.00 20055/20055 QRectF::left() const [36]
0.00 0.00 580/580 QRectF::top() const [93]
0.00 0.00 1/702 QColor::QColor(int, int, int, int) [92]
As you see it is actually more time consuming to calculate the rectangle coords than to draw points!

Some facts:
- I use Qt4.2.2 on i686 Linux,
- I didn't use antialiasing,
- I didn't use scaling (so I have an identity matrix when it comes to viewport-window transformations),
- scene size was about 1200x1000,
- I didn't compile Qt with profiling information (so I guess it's not required after all),
- I got detailed info about both mine and Qt methods,
- the result is pretty fast.

I got a pretty good result, but I didn't suffer from viewport-window transformations which might be your case if you scale the view. I didn't use antialiasing for my view, as points are points - they don't suffer from the aliasing effect. I could easily improve the implementation by calculating rectangle coordinates once per drawBackground() which should reduce the execution effort by half.

It is up to you to do the interpretation of the results. My impression is that it is not really drawBackground() which causes the slowdown - maybe it is just called too often by other parts of the system? Maybe you abuse update()?

Gopala Krishna
17th February 2007, 15:32
Did you try my last modification? Did it change anything for you?

You do not need to compile anything special (besides DEBUG of course ;-)

Then call

this will produce a file called callgrind.out.PID_OF_PROCESS

then you can call


Thanks ! Here is the output as attachment
EDIT: My quota of attachment is almost over. I'll update a bit later.

17th February 2007, 15:43
I have modified my application which uses QGraphicsView framework to draw a grid simmilar to yours and I implemented it in a worst possible way:

Profiling info (compiled with -fno-inline -ggdb -pg) looks like this:
% cumulative self self total
time seconds seconds calls us/call us/call name
33.33 0.02 0.02 1547664 0.01 0.01 QRectF::right() const
33.33 0.04 0.02 SpecScene::drawBackground(QPainter*, QRectF const&)
16.67 0.05 0.01 1527572 0.01 0.01 QPainter::drawPoint(int, int)

Well, if you disable inlining, no wonder right() is expensive. calling a function 1.5 Million times just takes its time...inlining is there for a reason ;-)

So I would not call this run very exemplary... :-)

17th February 2007, 15:50
just a note:
If you like to profile further into the drawing part,
you need to call:

valgrind --tool=callgrind --seperate-callers=5 --seperate-recs=10 ./YOUR_APP

Otherwise you will get "cycles", which is not very helpfull in this task..

BUT: this takes up much more memory to analyze later...

17th February 2007, 16:21

well I just love to play with this... ;-)

Here is another (and much faster) way to write the drawBackground function...with the added niceness that it helps avoiding the color errors ;-)

You might want to check if this survives zooming etc.

void drawBackground(QPainter *painter, const QRectF &rect)
const int gridSize = 25;

if (backgroundCache.isNull()) {
backgroundCache = QPixmap(gridSize, gridSize);
const int middle = gridSize / 2;
QPainter backgroundPainter(&backgroundCache);
backgroundPainter.fillRect(QRect(0, 0, gridSize, gridSize), QBrush(Qt::white));
backgroundPainter.drawLine(0, middle, gridSize, middle);
backgroundPainter.drawLine(middle, 0, middle, gridSize);

const int realLeft = static_cast<int>(std::floor(rect.left()));
const int realRight = static_cast<int>(std::ceil(rect.right()));
const int realTop = static_cast<int>(std::floor(rect.top()));
const int realBottom = static_cast<int>(std::ceil(rect.bottom()));

const int firstLeftGridLine = realLeft - (realLeft % gridSize);
const int firstTopGridLine = realTop - (realTop % gridSize);

QPainterPath background;
for (int x = firstLeftGridLine; x < realRight; x += gridSize) {
for (int y = firstTopGridLine; y < realBottom; y += gridSize) {
painter->drawPixmap(x, y, backgroundCache);

Have a nice day :-)

Gopala Krishna
17th February 2007, 16:23
just a note:
If you like to profile further into the drawing part,
you need to call:

Otherwise you will get "cycles", which is not very helpfull in this task..

BUT: this takes up much more memory to analyze later...

I get the following error

valgrind: Bad option '--seperate-callers=5'; aborting.
I am trying to analyse the code as it is now. I am getting lost here and there but kcachegrind is a cool tool. Needs some time to get used to it. Thanks for helping me till now. I'll continue with this tomorrow.

17th February 2007, 16:26
Well, if you disable inlining, no wonder right() is expensive. calling a function 1.5 Million times just takes its time...inlining is there for a reason ;-)

So I would not call this run very exemplary... :-)

It means that QRectF::right() takes longer than QPainter::drawPoint() and right() is not a very complex method :)

After getting rid of the right() and bottom() calls inside the loop the result of profiling is as follows:
50.00 0.06 0.06 SpecScene::drawBackground(QPainter*, QRectF const&)
25.00 0.09 0.03 1460235 0.02 0.02 QPoint::QPoint(int, int)
16.67 0.11 0.02 1454915 0.01 0.03 QPainter::drawPoint(int, int)

The QPoint constructor is called by QPainter::drawPoint, so we can forget about it. The whole method takes over 90% of the whole application time and gives a total of less than 0.1s. That's not much :)

It is important to see what the bottleneck is instead of shooting blind. No matter how much you optimise QPainter::drawLines() if it's not the bottleneck, you won't get a decent improvement.

In my opinion it would be much simpler and faster to simply apply a backgroundBrush with the grid to the scene and forget about points and lines. You wouldn't get any painter paths then, no floating point operations. The only thing that could slow down the process is the matrix transformation, so try to avoid it.

17th February 2007, 16:29
I get the following error
valgrind: Bad option '--seperate-callers=5'; aborting.

I think they changed the option names during 3.1 and 3.2 (which I use)

valgrind --tool=callgrind --fn-caller=5 --fn-recursion=10 ./YOUR_APP

Gopala Krishna
17th February 2007, 16:31

well I just love to play with this... ;-)

Here is another way to write the drawBackground function...with the added niceness that it helps avoiding the color errors ;-)

You might want to check if this survives zooming etc.

void drawBackground(QPainter *painter, const QRectF &rect)

Have a nice day :-)

Not bad idea! :) That problem solved !!! Thanks a lot.
Now the next problem is performance ! :(
A good day to you too :)

17th February 2007, 16:38
It is important to see what the bottleneck is instead of shooting blind. No matter how much you optimise QPainter::drawLines() if it's not the bottleneck, you won't get a decent improvement.

That is why I look into my KCachgrind and follow the callgraph and sources ;-)

The problem is not drawPoints, as that does not do much.

The problem with drawLines and friends is that it often (with antialiasing) first creates a painterpath from those lines and then paints them. This takes time, not least because of memory allocation.

This is why I said use painterpaths directly.

Optimizing the returnvalue of boundingrect and shape is so easy (and makes the code much nicer in my opinion) so that I would not even consider it a optimization, its just nicer programming. (besides helping during run-time of course ;-)

In my opinion it would be much simpler and faster to simply apply a backgroundBrush with the grid to the scene and forget about points and lines. You wouldn't get any painter paths then, no floating point operations. The only thing that could slow down the process is the matrix transformation, so try to avoid it.

I cuncur there, see my last post about the drawbackground function.
To use a background brush would be the logical next step ;-)

17th February 2007, 16:48
The problem with drawLines and friends is that it often (with antialiasing) first creates a painterpath from those lines and then paints them. This takes time, not least because of memory allocation.

This is why I said use painterpaths directly.
If you disable antialiasing, there is a possibility that painter paths will not be used. And there is no point in having antialiasing enabled for drawing horizontal or vertical lines, as these don't suffer from the aliasing effect. You can safely temporarily disable antialiasing while painting those.

bool isAA = painter->renderHints() & QPainter::Antialiasing;
painter->setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing, false);
painter->setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing, isAA);

Another possibility of painter paths being active is that there is scaling involved. But while zooming in, the number of lines needed to draw should decrease. While zooming out on the other hand you can draw fewer lines as too many of them will clutter the scene anyway.

You can also store the path in a member variable and then only draw the path on the painter. But I think using a background brush will be much faster, especially with smooth scaling disabled.

Gopala Krishna
17th February 2007, 16:52
In my opinion it would be much simpler and faster to simply apply a backgroundBrush with the grid to the scene and forget about points and lines.
Well I tried even this. That is not the problem. First of all the main problem is while moving "many items" together. For example in the above eg the performance goes down if you select all resistors and move - thats about 80 items at a time!!! (20 resistors,40 nodes, 20 text items) . Here to get sufficient performance the area to be updated should be selected appropriately and efficiently so that the scene is updated least number of times.

Further I have a question - is the the bsp indexing causing these performance problems ?

Further I would like to inform that I am not using any matrix transformations. All these are just on regular matrix.

17th February 2007, 16:58
If you disable antialiasing, there is a possibility that painter paths will not be used. And there is no point in having antialiasing enabled for drawing horizontal or vertical lines, as these don't suffer from the aliasing effect. You can safely temporarily disable antialiasing while painting those.

The problem being of course that the lines look differenty ;-)
But some people might see that as an advantage in this case.

Another possibility of painter paths being active is that there is scaling involved. But while zooming in, the number of lines needed to draw should decrease. While zooming out on the other hand you can draw fewer lines as too many of them will clutter the scene anyway.

You can also store the path in a member variable and then only draw the path on the painter. But I think using a background brush will be much faster, especially with smooth scaling disabled.

In this case the brush is faster. Storing the path in a member variable is not possible in this case, as the lines to draw will change wildly during repaints, and I am not sure how efficient it would be to crop out the rest if you draw all possible lines.

For the other items, I did just that, storing the path. which works out quite well. I might be possible to also use pixmaps here, but that is probably rather a space/time tradeoff... :-)

17th February 2007, 17:00
First of all the main problem is while moving "many items" together.
So the problem is not within drawBackground....

Further I have a question - is the the bsp indexing causing these performance problems ?
Yes, you should disable the bsp indexing while moving many items at once and enable it again afterwards. Every time you move an item, the tree may need to be rebuilt. Multiply that by the number of items and number of moves you perform...

Further I would like to inform that I am not using any matrix transformations. All these are just on regular matrix.
If you use zooming, then you are using matrix transformations. You are using them anyway as I'm almost 100% sure viewport-window conversion and/or the transformation matrix is used to obtain local coordinate system for items :)

17th February 2007, 17:05
The problem being of course that the lines look differenty ;-)

Could you explain what you mean by that? Antialiasing shouldn't have any positive effect on horizontal/vertical lines... You can reduce the contrast by using antialiasing on horizontal/vertical lines, but that doesn't improve the line. You can just change the colour you use for drawing and have the same optical effect...

By the way... by a "line" I understand a "thin line" not a "thick filled rectangle". Of course you can still have a simmilar effect to antialiasing by using a pen different than a brush...

Gopala Krishna
17th February 2007, 17:23
So the problem is not within drawBackground....
No, it is. I just said when the problem shows up. The main problem is probably not "within" drawBackground but the method which calls it more often than necessary. I mean though we optimize drawBackground() , we need to find out why it is called many times than necessary. I feel this because of experimenting with larger boundingRect gave good performance - i.e lesser drawBackground calls.

Yes, you should disable the bsp indexing while moving many items at once and enable it again afterwards. Every time you move an item, the tree may need to be rebuilt. Multiply that by the number of items and number of moves you perform...

I tried by disabling indexing in mousePressEvent() when selectedItems().isEmpty() == false and enabling it again in release event. This didn't help much either :(

If you use zooming, then you are using matrix transformations. You are using them anyway as I'm almost 100% sure viewport-window conversion and/or the transformation matrix is used to obtain local coordinate system for items :)
Yeah, i missed this. You are right, but anyway these are unavoidables and are for convenience.

17th February 2007, 17:37
Could you explain what you mean by that? Antialiasing shouldn't have any positive effect on horizontal/vertical lines... You can reduce the contrast by using antialiasing on horizontal/vertical lines, but that doesn't improve the line. You can just change the colour you use for drawing and have the same optical effect...

By the way... by a "line" I understand a "thin line" not a "thick filled rectangle". Of course you can still have a simmilar effect to antialiasing by using a pen different than a brush...

I did not say "positive effect", I just said "effect"

Why the effect:
A one-pixel line not antialiased is exactly one pixel wide
A one-pixel line antialiased will have the centre of the line on the border between two pixels. (See here (http://doc.trolltech.com/4.2/coordsys.html#anti-aliased-painting)

If you do not use anti-aliasing for all horizontal and vertical lines (such as the resistors in this example) you will have two very different looking lines.

You might like the effect of having different lines or not, but they will look different :-)

17th February 2007, 18:43
The main problem is probably not "within" drawBackground but the method which calls it more often than necessary.
That's why I mentioned update(). Try reducing the number of items (for example by simplifying the resistor item to consist of only one item), it may improve performance.

I mean though we optimize drawBackground() , we need to find out why it is called many times than necessary.
Funny... I have just taken a look at the profiling info you provided and it seems that it's not mentioned how many time drawBackground() is called. But it might be because of an incorrect compilation of the application (that's why you don't get detailed profiling information for drawBackground()).

I feel this because of experimenting with larger boundingRect gave good performance - i.e lesser drawBackground calls.
Increasing boundingRect() causes less modifications of the BSP tree while moving items.

I tried by disabling indexing in mousePressEvent() when selectedItems().isEmpty() == false and enabling it again in release event. This didn't help much either :(
Try disabling it entirely.

I did not say "positive effect", I just said "effect"
OK :)

If you do not use anti-aliasing for all horizontal and vertical lines (such as the resistors in this example) you will have two very different looking lines.
I didn't say not to antialias the resistors but the grid. You won't notice any differences between lines then as all grid lines will be drawn in the same way and you can manipulate the contrast (as antialiasing blurs the edges of lines to reduce the contrast) by changing the colour of the pen.

17th February 2007, 23:26
I just wanted to post my last version of the to-be-optimized app.

Little changes I made, were for example:
* making sure that it actually paints correctly (also when the view gets to big, and we start to receive negative coordinates ;-)
* setting QGraphicsScene::NoIndex, with no obvious negative effects
* noticing that it is actually faster (on X11) to draw the pixmap by hand a few times than to use a brush :-/
* setting clipping to the exposed rect while painting the nodes

The top timespenders in the app are basically all related to QRegion, i.e. collision detection and repainting. These can only be optimized...well indirectly...

Anyways, if anybody would like to try out that version, here it is

#include <QtGui>
#include <cmath>

namespace {
static inline int gridFloor(const qreal& value)
if (value < 0) {
return -1 * static_cast<int>(std::ceil(qAbs(value)));
} else {
return static_cast<int>(std::floor(value));

static inline int gridCeil(const qreal &value)
if (value < 0) {
return -1 * static_cast<int>(std::floor(qAbs(value)));
} else {
return static_cast<int>(std::ceil(value));

static inline int nextSmallerGrid(const int &value, const int &gridSize)
if (value < 0) {
const int absValue = qAbs(value);
return -1 * (absValue + gridSize - (absValue % gridSize));
} else {
return value - (value % gridSize);

class GridScene : public QGraphicsScene
GridScene(qreal x, qreal y, qreal w, qreal h)
: QGraphicsScene(x, y, w, h)

void drawBackground(QPainter *painter, const QRectF &rect)
const int gridSize = 25;

if (backgroundCache.isNull()) {
backgroundCache = QPixmap(gridSize, gridSize);
const int middle = gridSize / 2;
QPainter backgroundPainter(&backgroundCache);
backgroundPainter.fillRect(QRect(0, 0, gridSize, gridSize), QBrush(Qt::white));
backgroundPainter.drawLine(0, middle, gridSize, middle);
backgroundPainter.drawLine(middle, 0, middle, gridSize);

const int realLeft = gridFloor(rect.left());
const int realRight = gridCeil(rect.right());
const int realTop = gridFloor(rect.top());
const int realBottom = gridCeil(rect.bottom());

const int firstLeftGridLine = nextSmallerGrid(realLeft, gridSize);
const int firstTopGridLine = nextSmallerGrid(realTop, gridSize);

QRectF cacheRect(0, 0, gridSize, gridSize);
for (int x = firstLeftGridLine; x < realRight; x += gridSize) {
for (int y = firstTopGridLine; y < realBottom; y += gridSize) {
painter->drawPixmap(QRectF(x, y, gridSize, gridSize),

QPixmap backgroundCache;

namespace {
static inline QPainterPath constructNodeShape(const QRectF& elipseRect)
QPainterPath path;
return path;

class Node : public QGraphicsItem
Node(QGraphicsItem *par = 0, QGraphicsScene *sc = 0)
: QGraphicsItem(par,sc),
elipseRect(-4.0, -4.0, 8.0, 8.0),
elipsePath(constructNodeShape(QRectF(-3.0, -3.0, 2.0*3.0, 2.0*3.0))),

void paint(QPainter* p,const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *o, QWidget *)


QPainterPath shape() const
return elipseShape;

QRectF boundingRect() const
return elipseRect;

const QRectF elipseRect;
const QPainterPath elipsePath;
const QPainterPath elipseShape;
const QPen nodePen;
const QBrush nodeBrush;

namespace {
static inline QPainterPath constructResistorPath()
QPainterPath resistorPath;
resistorPath.addRect(QRectF(-18.0, -9.0, 36.0, 18.0));
resistorPath.moveTo(-27, 0);
resistorPath.lineTo(-18, 0);
resistorPath.moveTo(18, 0);
resistorPath.lineTo(27, 0);
return resistorPath;

class Resistor : public QGraphicsItem
Resistor(QGraphicsItem *par = 0, QGraphicsScene *scene = 0)
: QGraphicsItem(par,scene),
boundingBox(resistorPath.boundingRect().adjusted(-1, -1, 1, 1)),
setFlags(ItemIsMovable | ItemIsSelectable | ItemIsFocusable);
// comment the following 4 lines to see the performance difference
QGraphicsTextItem *t = new QGraphicsTextItem("R1 = 100k",this,scene);
Node * node = new Node(this,scene);
node = new Node(this,scene);

void paint(QPainter *p, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *o, QWidget *)
if(!(o->state & QStyle::State_Open))
if(o->state & QStyle::State_Selected)

p->setClipRect( o->exposedRect );

QRectF boundingRect() const
return boundingBox;

const QPainterPath resistorPath;
const QRectF boundingBox;
const QPen resistorSelectedPen;
const QPen resistorOpenPen;
const QBrush resistorBrush;

int main(int argc,char *argv[])
QApplication app(argc,argv);
GridScene scene(0,0,1024,768);
for(int j = 2; j < 4; ++j)
for(int i = 1; i <11; ++i)
Resistor *r = new Resistor(0,&scene);
r->setPos(j*100, i * 50);
QGraphicsView *view = new QGraphicsView(&scene);
view->setRenderHints(QPainter::Antialiasing | QPainter::SmoothPixmapTransform);
return app.exec();

Uiiii....that was fun... ;-)

Gopala Krishna
18th February 2007, 03:15
That's why I mentioned update(). Try reducing the number of items (for example by simplifying the resistor item to consist of only one item), it may improve performance.

This won't be possible since I need node to be independent of component.

Funny... I have just taken a look at the profiling info you provided and it seems that it's not mentioned how many time drawBackground() is called. But it might be because of an incorrect compilation of the application (that's why you don't get detailed profiling information for drawBackground()).

I'll post the proper one after recompilation today.

Increasing boundingRect() causes less modifications of the BSP tree while moving items. Try disabling it entirely.

Could the last post in this thread (http://www.qtcentre.org/forum/f-qt-programming-2/t-qgraphicsview-vs-qcanvas-5098.html) mean an improvement of performance in Qt4.3 with indexing enabled.

Gopala Krishna
18th February 2007, 03:22
I just wanted to post my last version of the to-be-optimized app.

Little changes I made, were for example:
* making sure that it actually paints correctly (also when the view gets to big, and we start to receive negative coordinates ;-)
* setting QGraphicsScene::NoIndex, with no obvious negative effects
* noticing that it is actually faster (on X11) to draw the pixmap by hand a few times than to use a brush :-/
* setting clipping to the exposed rect while painting the nodes

The top timespenders in the app are basically all related to QRegion, i.e. collision detection and repainting. These can only be optimized...well indirectly...

Anyways, if anybody would like to try out that version, here it is

#include <QtGui>
#include <cmath>


Uiiii....that was fun... ;-)

Thanks for the cleaner optimized version. :)

Gopala Krishna
18th February 2007, 03:28
Just to fine tune my understanding. Is the indexing helpful only if we use QGraphicsScene::items() in our code? Doesn't the framework use this internally (while detecting event receiving item)thereby reducing speed?

18th February 2007, 11:34
This won't be possible since I need node to be independent of component.
As far as I remember you had an additional item for displaying some text which you can easily get rid of. But I may be wrong, maybe it was someone else with such an architecture.

I'll post the proper one after recompilation today.
I meant that the compilation was not correct, not the method.

Could the last post in this thread (http://www.qtcentre.org/forum/f-qt-programming-2/t-qgraphicsview-vs-qcanvas-5098.html) mean an improvement of performance in Qt4.3 with indexing enabled.

Yes. Andreas describes the exact solution you should use.

Just to fine tune my understanding. Is the indexing helpful only if we use QGraphicsScene::items() in our code? Doesn't the framework use this internally (while detecting event receiving item)thereby reducing speed?

It is helpfull for answering a question "What parts of the canvas does a particular item occupy?" which is strongly related to "What items collide with point X?". So it is for example used to swiftly determine which item was clicked.

18th February 2007, 11:43
Just to fine tune my understanding. Is the indexing helpful only if we use QGraphicsScene::items() in our code? Doesn't the framework use this internally (while detecting event receiving item)thereby reducing speed?

Yes the framework uses it internally, but it is a tradeoff (as so much in life ;-)

When you use the Index, the collision-detection may be sped up, but every position/size change of every item will cost you.
If you do not use the index, finding an item at a certain location will probably be linear to the number of items in the scene, but you can move/change very cheaply.

If you have many moving things but not so many overall, turning of the index may be a good idea.
If you have many mostly stationary items, the index is very nice indeed.

In the end it depends on experimentation (or very carefull analysis ;-) to find the optimal solution for you.

Since you were keen on moving many items at the same time, it is disabled here. ;-)

I think one could think about it like this (for n: all items, x:moving items)
Looking up items in the index costs log(n)but returns a filtered selection of items z with n >= z >= x
When you have a repaint, you need to find the repainted items, check if they are really included in the repainted area and then repaint them (which we ignore since it does not change with the use of the index ;-), which will cost about O(log(n) + z). Since you are moving you also need to update the index which cost O(log(n)) which means updating for all items costs O(log(n) * x). If we say that painting and updating is done in lockstep, each this step will cost O(x*log(n) + z). (let us hope that the index is sufficiently well thought out so that z is always very near to x and just say the cost is O(x*log(n)))

If you do not use the index, you have to check each item if it is included, then repaint , ie it will cost O(n). When we are moving we do not need to update anything, thus the total cost will be somewhere around O(n)

Now we have the choice O(n) or O(x*log(n)) which is better?
Depends on your purposes, if you have the need to move/change nearly as many items as there are in the scene, the non index version with O(n) is better than the index version with O(n*log(n)).
If the number of changing/moving items is much smaller than the total items, ie n >> x, the index version is clearly better O(log(n) * small number) vs. O(n)

So that concludes my lecture on the run time behavior of the graphics scene. Next week: Mating Rituals of the Norwegian Widget.

Actually there is another factor in there: The checks for the repaints is done per "dirty" area d, which should (for moving items) be d < 2*x. Why ? The dirty areas may be combined if they are overlapping but you have always one for where the object was, and one for where the object is.

So in the end it would realy be:
O(log(n) * x * d) vs. O(n * d)
This explains for example why it was faster for you when you increased the bounding rect of the resistors. By increasing the bounding rect you created overlapping regions and thus less work had to be done.
Worst case: O(log(n) * n) when overlapping vs. O(log(n) * n^2) when not.

As Andreas explains (http://www.qtcentre.org/forum/f-qt-programming-2/t-qgraphicsview-vs-qcanvas-5098.html") in the post you mentioned, the index will be changed in 4.3 so this analysis is not valid for Qt > 4.2

Gopala Krishna
18th February 2007, 12:26
Yes the framework uses it internally, but it is a tradeoff (as so much in life ;-)

When you use the Index, the collision-detection may be sped up, but every position/size change of every item will cost you.
If you do not use the index, finding an item at a certain location will probably be linear to the number of items in the scene, but you can move/change very cheaply.

Thanks a lot camel! I am really grateful to you for explaining these details. They are really worth a lot for me :)
But one thing regarding my app, you cant say whether you will use many items, move them all together since that is all dependent on user. So I'd be happy if the performance is better for moving around 10-15 components at a time on medium end computers. Also I feel that maximum components generally used will be around 30.
But since I need to provide proper feedback while drawing wires, I optimized there to use QRubberBand's while the wires are being resized or drawn, which was rather huge performance improvement.

Just one more question here. Suppose I want to show feedback of possible connections while moving components (say the nodes of component overlap with the node of other component) by drawing those nodes with different color or some other way, I may need good and fast collision detection - which means I might need indexing. Rather than compromising for trade off of using this, if I decide to show feedback only if mouse rests for a few milliseconds by using timers, will I need indexing ?

18th February 2007, 12:44
Thanks a lot camel! I am really grateful to you for explaining these details. They are really worth a lot for me :)

You are welcome. Actually it is a good and fun way for me to avoid that what I should be doing in the moment ;-)

Just one more question here. Suppose I want to show feedback of possible connections while moving components (say the nodes of component overlap with the node of other component) by drawing those nodes with different color or some other way, I may need good and fast collision detection - which means I might need indexing.

Best thing: Benchmark ;-)
Check if the lookup is reasonable fast on 4.2 without the index, and check if the moving is reasonable fast on 4.3 (try the snapshots (http://www.trolltech.com/developer/downloads/qt/snapshots))
then use

#if QT_VERSION <= 0x040300

to only switch of the index for 4.2

Rather than compromising for trade off of using this, if I decide to show feedback only if mouse rests for a few milliseconds by using timers, will I need indexing ?
It is probably a smart thing to do. Restarting a timer and storing the last location to a variable is probably faster than to do a collision detection on every mouse move. If you keep the interval short enough people will probably not even notice ;-)
Even then indexing is helpfull as it would speed it up, but you will not take as much as an performance hit without it as you would if you just went ahead and did collision detection all the time.

Again, probably best advice: "See What Works"(tm)
And: Keep KCacheGrind handy ;-)

Gopala Krishna
18th February 2007, 13:09
I meant that the compilation was not correct, not the method.

Ah how fortunate I am. I didn't recompile Qt because of power failure. BTW, I tried to analyze more from kcachegrind itself. Unfortunately I can't post the generated file(even after bzip2 --best) due to size limit of attachments. The following are first few functions of QGraphicsView:: paintEvent()

Ir Count Calee
14.97 2578 QPainter::setClipRect()
14.12 1289 QGraphicsScene::items(QRectF const&)
9.29 21 QGraphicsView::drawItems()
2.3 2578 QPainter::restore()
2.06 78,272 QRectF:: operator|
0.99 1289 QGraphicsView::drawBackground()

NOTE: indexing is disabled for this profile and grids drawn as camel did in his last code.
Also HTML instead of QUOTE tag is for clarity.

This means QRectF:: operator | is proving costly in this case!!

20th February 2007, 05:36
I have idea. What changed when I createItemGroup with selected object then move this group by mouse, then destroyItemGroup (when finish moving). Can I increase performance?

20th February 2007, 10:09
phew !!:eek:
what a thread :D ... nice to know so many things about improving performance...

Gopal, u made a small mistake, and i wonder why it wasnt caught...u were drawing out of the boundingrect !!
Problem was not with drawing backgound... ur items as slow as without drawing the background ;)

just replace ur first code ... change ur boundingRect to

QRectF boundingRect() const


qreal pw = 0.5;

QRectF rectf = QRectF(-36,-9,70,18); // use this rectangle
//QRectF rectf = QRectF(-27,-9,54,18);
return rectf.adjusted(-pw,-pw,pw,pw);


see the performance difference urself... !!!
have to go thru other posts... will see them when have time... and if I can improve more,,, will surely let u know :)

20th February 2007, 11:32
I have idea. What changed when I createItemGroup with selected object then move this group by mouse, then destroyItemGroup (when finish moving). Can I increase performance?

No, those will still be distinct items which might occupy different nodes in the BSP tree.

20th February 2007, 11:54
Gopal, u made a small mistake, and i wonder why it wasnt caught...u were drawing out of the boundingrect !!

No actually he was not. The bounding rect you created was much too large. You only have to specify the bounding rect of the current item. You seem to want to include additionally the bounding rects of the child items.

see the performance difference urself... !!!

The reson for the perfomance advantage in this case can be seen in my analysis a few posts up.

Gopala Krishna
20th February 2007, 13:10
Has anyone tried the above codes with the snapshots(Qt4.3) ? If so did anybody notice performance difference ? This will surely improve my confidence since my project will mostly be released during that the release of Qt4.3 ;)

Gopala Krishna
20th February 2007, 13:22
Do you think its better to fake bounding rect for now (larger bounding rect for all components) to address performance issue ?

20th February 2007, 13:48
Do you think its better to fake bounding rect for now (larger bounding rect for all components) to address performance issue ?

Increasing the boundingRect will cause a performance drop when the number of items increases as more and more items will have to be redrawn when you do anything because of overlapping boundingRects.

20th February 2007, 14:12
Depends on where your bottleneck is. (And that means profiling)

If it is drawing, as small a boundingrect as possible.
If it is the calculation of what has to be redrawn, bigger roundingrect is better.

But as a general rule: as small boundingrect as possible. This way you do not get in the way when optimization deeper in the framework make all your little workarounds obsolete ;-)

As 4.3, it "felt" faster to me (in valgrind). But I did not compare 1:1, and it might be that I even compared an optimized build to an debug built. Best test yourself ;-)

20th February 2007, 16:31
How does then setting the bounding rect to include children impreoves performance ??
I got a noticable improvement by including the childrens rect within bounding rect :confused:

20th February 2007, 16:37
How does then setting the bounding rect to include children impreoves performance ??
I got a noticable improvement by including the childrens rect within bounding rect :confused:

Read this (http://www.qtcentre.org/forum/p-graphicsview-performance-problems-post29492/postcount50.html) especially the "EDIT:" part.

If you move, graphicsview will repaint the dirty areas, (i.e. the areas occupied by the moving/changing items).

Short Version:
Say you have 30 items, that means Graphicsview would need to repaint 60 (at most) regions on screen (where the objects came from, where the objects are now). Graphicsview does as far as I know optimize that, i.e. it will check if you can combine regions, as to not repaint the same thing multiple times.

If you have now 30 completely overlapping items, it will be combined to a single big one -> only one repaint.

If you have always 3 that are overlapping, for example an item and its child items -> only 10 repaints.

Less repaints => higher performance, especially if the repaints are not optimized.

But: Do not make boundingrects bigger to include child items! Future optimizations in QGraphicsView will probably make that actually slower, and even now you may actually get more repaints.
Rather: Think if you really need childitems, or it would make sense to combine them into on item. AND: test if it actually performs better after the change!

USE KCACHEGRIND (http://kcachegrind.sourceforge.net/cgi-bin/show.cgi) to find out where your bottlenecks really are.

Gopala Krishna
21st February 2007, 11:32
Probably I am asking too much from trolls or it is heights of optimization!! ;)
How about rubberbanding support while moving items in future version of qt ? This will surely reduce number of repaints. Anyway I am planning to do this to my app after the port reach some descent stage.

I say this because, the app I am porting(obviously from qt3.3 - 4.2) - qucs (http://qucs.sourceforge.net) uses this technique in qt3 version and the performance is very good. And actually it uses lots of repaints() (instead of update()) and also the code doesn't optimize update by using rect version of update - I mean QWidget::update(QRect r). And best of all, it doesn't use QCanvas. Yet it works fine even on low end pc's.
That is the reason, I am asking question about performance so that the ported version does better than previous one.

21st February 2007, 11:43
What exactly do you mean by rubberbanding support?

Gopala Krishna
21st February 2007, 11:54
What exactly do you mean by rubberbanding support?

What I mean is, the elements which are moving can be drawn with something like QPainter::rasterOP() set to NotROP of qt3 and QPen being DotLine. While updating position of item, first the item can be drawn with above flags again at previous position and then in new position.

BTW, did I use a wrong word for this ? (I mean rubberbanding)

21st February 2007, 12:01
What I mean is, the elements which are moving can be drawn with something like QPainter::rasterOP() set to NotROP of qt3 and QPen being DotLine. While updating position of item, first the item can be drawn with above flags again at previous position and then in new position.

I think the problem is not in painting but in reconstructing the index, so it wouldn't help much. The raster operation (XOR here) does make sense only if objects don't overlap. When they do, you'll get trash when moving them away. It's better to redraw the region.

BTW, did I use a wrong word for this ? (I mean rubberbanding)
Yes, sort of :) Rubber band is used when talking about selecting items (because of a shape that expands if you drag it allowing to select an area - see QRubberBand).

Gopala Krishna
21st February 2007, 12:10
I think the problem is not in painting but in reconstructing the index, so it wouldn't help much. The raster operation (XOR here) does make sense only if objects don't overlap. When they do, you'll get trash when moving them away. It's better to redraw the region.

Oh ok. Thanks. I didn't think about this. :)

21st February 2007, 13:44
Just want to share a little thing I just read about on qt4-preview-feedback, for all those who like to play around with snapshots. (And to get it into the archive here too, if anyone looks this thread up later ;-)

In this message (http://lists.trolltech.com/qt4-preview-feedback/2007-02/thread00007-0.html#msg00031) Andreas mentions a nice flag you can set on the GraphicsView QGraphicsView::SmartViewportUpdate

Andreas explains the behaviour (a small addition of mine is in cursive)

at a certain threshold (of number of dirty rects)(currently set to 50 rects), the bounding rect is used instead.

You can use it like this to try it out:

#if QT_VERSION >= 0x040300
view->setViewportUpdateMode(QGraphicsView::SmartViewport Update);

Another thing you might want to try, is the QGraphicsView::OptimizationFlags. (especially if you do all your clipping yourself, and set the painter state each time anyway, such as I did in my version of the example)
But remember: setting these flags allow you to shoot your own leg off much easier, if you are not carefull...

#if QT_VERSION >= 0x040300
view->setOptimizationFlags(QGraphicsView::DontClipPainte r | QGraphicsView::DontSavePainterState);

From my non-scientific try-outs, both make it feel faster to me, individually as well as combined.

21st February 2007, 14:51
I thought about starting a page in the wiki about how to get the most from your use of QGraphicsView (so that all the little nice tidbits can be collected somewhere)...

What would be the best name for it?
"Optimizing QGraphicsView", is kind of wrong

"Optimizing your use of QGraphicsView" is correct, but kind-of long...
"Good coding practices for QGraphicsView"...ditto...

Probably the best thing would be to also have a
"Optimizing your use of QPainter" section to be able to refer to it...

Gopala Krishna
21st February 2007, 15:45
How about "Optimizing techniques with GraphicsView" :)

Gopala Krishna
21st February 2007, 15:48
Just want to share a little thing I just read about on qt4-preview-feedback, for all those who like to play around with snapshots. (And to get it into the archive here too, if anyone looks this thread up later ;-)

In this message (http://lists.trolltech.com/qt4-preview-feedback/2007-02/thread00007-0.html#msg00031) Andreas mentions a nice flag you can set on the GraphicsView QGraphicsView::SmartViewportUpdate

Hey thanks for the nice link. One of the thing qt is good at is to make us eagerly wait for the next version !!!!! ;)
And hence it pulls you towards using the snapshots !
I am surely gonna try this weekend ! :)

Gopala Krishna
22nd February 2007, 13:01
Today I found some time to play again with all codes in this thread. Just then I thought of one more technique to draw the grid which I think should increase the performance. But I couldn't see major difference while trying it out.
The main idea is to create big pixmap and draw the grid to it in the constructor. In drawBackground() we can just draw relevant part of pixmap. I feel this way, even if the grid size is reduced, the performance remains same. Only thing is I compensate ram for speed which is ok for me. To combat this, probably we can reduce pixmap size to medium one and take necessary actions when the backgroundRect to be drawn is larger.
Anyway the code is here.

Note: This is modified version of camel's code

#include <QtGui>
#include <cmath>

namespace {
static inline int gridFloor(const qreal& value)
if (value < 0) {
return -1 * static_cast<int>(std::ceil(qAbs(value)));
} else {
return static_cast<int>(std::floor(value));

static inline int gridCeil(const qreal &value)
if (value < 0) {
return -1 * static_cast<int>(std::floor(qAbs(value)));
} else {
return static_cast<int>(std::ceil(value));

class GridScene : public QGraphicsScene
GridScene(qreal x, qreal y, qreal w, qreal h)
: QGraphicsScene(x, y, w, h)

void setupCache()
const int gridSize = 25;
backgroundCache = QPixmap(1024,768);

QPainter painter(&backgroundCache);
painter.setRenderHints(QPainter::Antialiasing | QPainter::SmoothPixmapTransform);

for (int x = 0; x < 1024; x += gridSize)
for (int y = 0; y < 768; y += gridSize)

void drawBackground(QPainter *painter, const QRectF &rect)
const int realLeft = gridFloor(rect.left());
const int realRight = gridCeil(rect.right());
const int realTop = gridFloor(rect.top());
const int realBottom = gridCeil(rect.bottom());
QRect realRect(realLeft,realTop,realRight-realLeft,realBottom-realTop);

QPixmap backgroundCache;

namespace {
static inline QPainterPath constructNodeShape(const QRectF& elipseRect)
QPainterPath path;
return path;

class Node : public QGraphicsItem
Node(QGraphicsItem *par = 0, QGraphicsScene *sc = 0)
: QGraphicsItem(par,sc),
elipseRect(-4.0, -4.0, 8.0, 8.0),
elipsePath(constructNodeShape(QRectF(-3.0, -3.0, 2.0*3.0, 2.0*3.0))),

void paint(QPainter* p,const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *o, QWidget *)


QPainterPath shape() const
return elipseShape;

QRectF boundingRect() const
return elipseRect;

const QRectF elipseRect;
const QPainterPath elipsePath;
const QPainterPath elipseShape;
const QPen nodePen;
const QBrush nodeBrush;

namespace {
static inline QPainterPath constructResistorPath()
QPainterPath resistorPath;
resistorPath.addRect(QRectF(-18.0, -9.0, 36.0, 18.0));
resistorPath.moveTo(-27, 0);
resistorPath.lineTo(-18, 0);
resistorPath.moveTo(18, 0);
resistorPath.lineTo(27, 0);
return resistorPath;

class Resistor : public QGraphicsItem
Resistor(QGraphicsItem *par = 0, QGraphicsScene *scene = 0)
: QGraphicsItem(par,scene),
boundingBox(resistorPath.boundingRect().adjusted(-1, -1, 1, 1)),
setFlags(ItemIsMovable | ItemIsSelectable | ItemIsFocusable);
// comment the following 4 lines to see the performance difference
QGraphicsTextItem *t = new QGraphicsTextItem("R1 = 100k",this,scene);
Node * node = new Node(this,scene);
node = new Node(this,scene);

void paint(QPainter *p, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *o, QWidget *)
if(!(o->state & QStyle::State_Open))
if(o->state & QStyle::State_Selected)

p->setClipRect( o->exposedRect );

QRectF boundingRect() const
return boundingBox;

const QPainterPath resistorPath;
const QRectF boundingBox;
const QPen resistorSelectedPen;
const QPen resistorOpenPen;
const QBrush resistorBrush;

int main(int argc,char *argv[])
QApplication app(argc,argv);
GridScene scene(0,0,1024,768);
for(int j = 2; j < 4; ++j)
for(int i = 1; i <11; ++i)
Resistor *r = new Resistor(0,&scene);
r->setPos(j*100, i * 50);
QGraphicsView *view = new QGraphicsView(&scene);
view->setRenderHints(QPainter::Antialiasing | QPainter::SmoothPixmapTransform);
return app.exec();

22nd February 2007, 13:18
What happens if you make the window larger than the pixmap? :-)

Thing is, I would imagine that most draws are actually rather small pieces. (Fixing for moving items), so I do not know if it is faster to always work with the one big pixmap.

Probably best would be something like 3 or 4 gridsizes as a cache...but I have not tested it out...

Gopala Krishna
22nd February 2007, 13:25
While experimenting further I noticed one of the major neglected thing.
Just add this

And now it is very very slow!!! Why ? Can someone explain this ?
Also the the gridlines are quite thicker which I don't want .
Please some one help me :)

EDIT: This happens only in pixmap version of grids.

22nd February 2007, 14:11
Just add this

And now it is very very slow!!! Why ? Can someone explain this ?
Sure, you introduced matrix transformations which makes everything more computation intensive (the pixmap is scaled).

Also the the gridlines are quite thicker which I don't want .
Please some one help me :)
There is nothing you can do when using a pixmap to change it. The pixmap just gets scaled and all pixels get four times bigger in each direction.

8th August 2007, 09:02

I posted in the old thread too.

Did you find a solution to draw the grid efficiently? I am running into the same problem. Also, when I zoomIn or zoomOut, my grid spacing is irregular.

Kindly help me with suggestions.


Gopala Krishna
8th August 2007, 12:18
I solved my problem by a change in representation of grids. Now i use points with no brush and pen of 0 width to represent grids instead of lines. This has given me significant improvement. Also i switched from qt4.2 to qt4.3 , which gave me freedom to optimize the view more. Setting the view's update mode to smart mode remarkably improved the performance and i no longer need to optimize it anymore ;)

As far as your problem is concerned can you give me some details of your application ? Some code or screenshots definitely help us understand your problem :)

8th August 2007, 16:49

I did the changes you suggested and the grid works fine now.

I have another problem though. I have basic shapes like circle, ellipse, rectangle etc in my view and they are drawn with a penwidth of 2. When I zoomin, the rectangle is fine but the curves of circle and ellipse appear discontinuous.

I know zooming will decrease the quality. But is there any way to overcome this and make the circle continuous.


Gopala Krishna
8th August 2007, 17:32
Have you enabled antialiasing ?

view->setRenderHints(QPainter::Antialiasing | QPainter::SmoothPixmapTransform);