View Full Version : Filter Files and Subfolders in Qtreeview using Qsortfiltermodel

14th November 2013, 04:50
Hello Guys,

I am working on exploring the partition of hard drive in a Qtreeview. For this i am using QFilesystemModel and QSortFilterProxyModel for filtering any particular file format(like *.jpg,*.pdf) in its subfolders. Then i am using DirectoryLoaded() SIGNAL of QfileSystemModel for storing the FILTERED names of files and subfolders in a list for my further working. My problem starts here, when i expand any subfolder, i again try to update the names list of expanded files and folders in that name list. At this stage, In QTreeView i have filtered files and subfolders but the names are not filtered. I want to filter these new files and subfolders. Please tell me how to filter that names list ?