View Full Version : Configure 3.3.5 for canvas and xml

20th November 2013, 15:18
I am working on an old application my company is still supporting, and it uses Qt 3.3.5. I need to recompile this Qt source in order to add both canvas and xml ability. The person who originally compiled this is gone now, and I am not very familiar with Qt 3.x configuration. If someone could help me to configure and build so that I can add canvas and xml, that would be great.

In particular, when I run "configure -debug", the configure output line that starts "OpenGL support" shows that this is not supported.

Later on, I get the following lines:

For C:\MAK\ASOC\TrainerMEM\3p\Qt\examples\canvas\canva s.pro
Project file not generated because all requirements not met:

For C:\MAK\ASOC\TrainerMEM\3p\Qt\examples\xml\outliner \outliner.pro
Project file not generated because all requirements not met:
For C:\MAK\ASOC\TrainerMEM\3p\Qt\examples\xml\tagreade r\tagreader.pro
Project file not generated because all requirements not met:
For C:\MAK\ASOC\TrainerMEM\3p\Qt\examples\xml\tagreade r-with-features\tagreader-with-features.pro
Project file not generated because all requirements not met:

I changed my configure line to "configure -debug -qconfig full", thinking this might be a requirement, but it didn't help. I got the same output.

The build output is attached as build.txt, and I have also attached the canvas.pro and outliner.pro files in case they would help.


Thanks for any help you can give...