View Full Version : QPainterPath line to curve

21st November 2013, 09:59
I have drawn a straight line using QPainterPath.

QPainter painter(this);
QPainterPath path;

BD is a straightline. Now I have to modify this line to a curve so that BD length become 100 pixel. Stright line BD length is only 50. so the line has bend startpoint B and endpoint D remains same but it should match the length to be 100.

Please help me how can I do it.? Thanks Sujan

21st November 2013, 15:43
Stright line BD length is only 50. so the line has bend startpoint B and endpoint D remains same but it should match the length to be 100.
If you are scared of the higher math required to calculate this, take a look at QLineF::setLength (http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-4.8-snapshot/qlinef.html#setLength) method.