View Full Version : Qt QWebView White Screen After Codesign For App Store

26th November 2013, 06:56
Env: Qt 5.2 rc1 QML Mixed with C++ backend on 10.8 MBPro
Issue: Qt QWebView White Screen After Codesign For App Store

For speed and deployment purposes, I used QWebView on the C++ side to display websites such as "http://www.google.com". The webpage is displayed properly during development and even after I used macdeployqt for deployment. However, as soon as I issued codesign on the individual Qt libraries and package, the QWebView shows white screen.

Various debugging steps I tried:
* QWebView window showed. Right click shows refresh context menu. But shows white screen.
* None of the QWebView signals was emitted.
* Turned on QT_DEBUG_PLUGINS. Shows all library and plugin loads correctly
* Comment out codesign build steps, rebuild, and QWebView works fine.
* Tried Qt 5.1.1 and 5.2.0 rc1. Same issue.

The codesign build steps in .pro is the following
codesign.commands += codesign -f -s $${APPCERT} -i $${BUNDLEID} \"$${TARGET}.app/Contents/Frameworks/QtCore.framework/Versions/5/QtCore\"; codesign.commands += codesign -f -s $${APPCERT} -v --entitlements misc/MyEntitlements.plist \"$${TARGET}.app\";

Any help, pointers, or suggestions would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance.

Added after 1 51 minutes:

It seems so obvious now, yet I was stuck for hours. In the Entitlements.plist, I need to add com.apple.security.network.client for network access.

QWebView white screen because there is not internet connection.