View Full Version : Qt application not a valid 32-bit application

27th November 2013, 17:49
I made a simple Qt application. Everything is working well on mt PC. I use Windows 7 SP1 and Qt Creator for building and debugging. When I try to run my program on Win XP I get the error “Not a valid 32 application”. I had the same problem when I was making applications with Visual Studio 2012. However I fixed that problem. That’s how: http://software.intel.com/en-us/articles/linking-applications-using-visual-studio-2012-to-run-on-windows-xp But I can’t find such option in Qt Creator. How can I run my application on Windows XP?

27th November 2013, 18:30
Check that you are using the 32bit version of the Qt SDK.


27th November 2013, 18:39
Thanks for the Reply. I'm sure that I have the 32-bit version of SDK. I compiled the application on Windows 7 32-bit and I don't have problems to run it. My laptop is also 32-bit but it is Win XP. I can't figure out what's the prblem..
Greetings, Snaksa :)

22nd December 2015, 12:13
when u use VS 2012 in Win 7 it is not compatible with XP and occur this err you should add QMAKE_LFLAGS_WINDOWS = /SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS,5.01 in .pro file and copy all dll needed such msvcr120.Dll ...