View Full Version : Update View when deteting record the Model

4th December 2013, 09:01
I'm using QSqlTableModel with a QTableView on Qt5.
When i delete a record ...

model->removeRows(view->currentIndex().row(), 1);
... i get a exclamation mark in the empty line.
I solved this by using...


Is this the best approach?
Showldn't the view update autommaticaly?

4th December 2013, 09:19
Where exactly do you get the exclamation mark ? In the view ?

Also are you using QAbstractItemModel::beginRemoveRows and QAbstractItemModel::endRemoveRows while removing the rows ?

4th December 2013, 09:32
Maybe you have to call submit() after deleting the rows?


4th December 2013, 09:34
Here ... in the view:

4th December 2013, 23:21
You get the "!" in the row header indicating that the row has been scheduled for deletion. The model will not actually remove the row from the database until QSqlTableModel::submit() or QSqlTableModel::submitAll() is called on the model (depends on the model edit strategy) directly or indirectly. I suspect that if you call select() without submit() the changes are likely to be discarded not committed, but I have not done the experiment.

5th December 2013, 16:41
The only way i managed to make it work was with the model.select();
I have not tried the aamer4yu's tip but, for me, the question in this point is why it worked with Qt 4 but not with Qt5!