View Full Version : Require library in Qt equivalent to bouncycastle package of java

Naresh Palle
10th December 2013, 08:00

I am developing crypto application as per my requirement in Qt. I have to post encrypted data to server.
Server side application is written in Java and they are implementing java bouncycastle package to encrypt and decrypt the received data. Server side application using RSAEngine and DES Engine classes.

How do i encrypt/decrypt the data in Qt and that data will be encrypted/decrypted in server side?
I have searched in google but i could not find any equivalent APIs to generate key using DESedeKeyGenerator ?
Is there any library in Qt equivalent to bouncycastle package of java?
I need following equivalent APIs/Classes in Qt to generate key and encrypt the data.
BufferedBlockCipher,CBCBlockCipher, DESedeEngine;


10th December 2013, 09:28
I have no idea what bouncycastle is but the main crypto library for Qt is QCA http://inqlude.org/libraries/qca.html


10th December 2013, 19:58
You can also use any C or C++ crypto library that you can build on your platform. It does not have to be part of Qt, or even Qt-like, to be useful. Npn-Qt options include the ubiquitous OpenSSL or CryptoPP.