View Full Version : QSS QComboBox QAbstractItemView exapand by sizePolicy

12th December 2013, 21:50
I'm trying to make pop-ups work the combobox without textElide and sizePolicy exapand (I'm using QSS)

QComboBox QAbstractItemView {
qproperty-textElideMode: ElideNone;

QComboBox QListView, QComboBox::item{
qproperty-vertSizePolicy: Expanding;

but does not work, items from the QComboBox does not expand the size of the pop-up.

How to make pop-ups expand the size without affecting the combobox?

3rd January 2014, 17:57
Solution: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/20554940/qcombobox-pop-up-expanding-and-qtwebkit/20909625#20909625