View Full Version : Building Qt5.2 for VS2012 not working

15th December 2013, 05:17
I've built Qt5.2.0 for VS2012 32bit exactly as I did with Qt5.0, which works fine. There are no build errors, but the program that uses the build doesn't start. Running with the debugger I get an access violation in mlock.c at start, in this thing

void __cdecl _unlock (
int locknum
* leave the critical section.
LeaveCriticalSection( _locktable[locknum].lock );

The configuration is

configure -developer-build -debug-and-release -opensource -confirm-license -opengl desktop -nomake examples -nomake tests -mp -platform win32-msvc2012

The idea is to get rid of the countless dlls that are needed with the default build installation. I've also tried with opengl included, but the result is the same

configure -developer-build -debug-and-release -opensource -confirm-license -nomake examples -nomake tests -mp -platform win32-msvc2012

Again, this worked on Qt5.0, so does anyone know some trick to get it run?

15th December 2013, 09:01
The problem was a static list of shortcuts, which for some reason doesn't work in Qt5.2. It crashed in qkeyseqeunce.cpp at

QKeySequence::QKeySequence(StandardKey key)
const QList <QKeySequence> bindings = keyBindings(key);
//pick only the first/primary shortcut from current bindings
if (bindings.size() > 0) {
d = bindings.first().d;
d = new QKeySequencePrivate();