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19th January 2007, 19:18
:confused: I am trying to find help information about Qtopia Core cross-compiling ! Thanks advance !

19th January 2007, 20:25
What kind of information do you need?

20th January 2007, 06:04
What kind of information do you need?
Hello wysota ,
I have an application written in Qtopia Core 4.2.1 running on an x86 - Debian Linux console. Now I need to ported it on to an embedded system of ARM . The document which Trolltech provided at http://doc.trolltech.com/4.2/qtopiacore-crosscompiling.html is too simmple ,so I am in a puzlle about how to configure Qtopia Core 4.2.1 cross-compiling environment ,I want to obtain a specification .

thanks a lot !

20th January 2007, 09:10
Hmm... I don't think it is too simple, but let's try to get this going...

First of all you need to have a cross-compiler. Do you have an ARM compiler compiled for x86? If not, you need to get one. I'm sure Google will help you on that (quickstart: compile gcc bundle with a crosscompiling switch enabled and choose ARM as the target architecture).

Then you can return to the Trolltech guide and look for qmake spec file as described in the guide. I'm sure all files for ARM are there with Qtopia Core so you needn't change anything, just follow the guide.