View Full Version : [Qt 5.1.1] QDateTime always being set to Thursday October 15

3rd January 2014, 01:45
I have a problem with QDateTime, everytime i use it, and go into debugger to check its' value it is always set to Thursday Oct 15 00:00:00.

i made a test and checked again to see if it was the application or not, but it seems it's a problem with qdatetime.

Does anyone know a work around or fix for this?

this is the code i am using.

QDateTime Now = QDateTime::currentDateTime();
QDate Date = QDate(2014,1,1);
QTime Time = QTime(1,1,1);
QDateTime Test = QDateTime(Date,Time);

3rd January 2014, 05:04
This is glitch in the gdb debugger helpers in some versions of Qt Creator as far as I can tell. It does not occur with Qt Creator 3.0 but did with 2.8 on my Linux box. If you expand the date entry in the debugger the child entries were correct.

3rd January 2014, 05:38
is there any way to update Qt creator other than downloading the new version?

3rd January 2014, 07:37

3rd January 2014, 07:41
ok i updated the qt creator but now all the Qdatetime variables are invalid.