View Full Version : rotating through bitmaps depending on event

3rd January 2014, 16:45
Hello everybody,
i struggle to find a quick and easy solution for this.

I have a Qwiget which is part of a QmidArea.
In this area as said, i have a QMidiSubWindow.
In the QMidiSubWindow i´m using a QGraphicsScene where i attach QGrahicsviews to it.

That works so far perfect.
Now i want to add Pictures to the QGraphicsScene, this also works, but for my Programm i want to Show a Progress of an Automation.
The Progresses are displayed by Pictures which are Show when something changes. We are talking here about 20 different Pictures or better QGraphicsPixmapItems.

How should i implement the showing or better the controls for setting the inidividual Bitmaps to true or false.
-> 1 of the 20 Bitmaps would be true the other false everytime, since all of the Bitmaps are transparent.....
Thought about to use case Statement but this would be kinda very unprofessional...i guess

How is this done in a better or professional way ?