View Full Version : Qtpropertybrowser: How do I know the current state of a textbox?

4th January 2014, 11:17
QT version: 5.1.1.
Platform: Windows.
Language: c++

Dear beloved programmers,

I've ported the 'Qtpropertybrowser' from Qt 4.x to Qt 5.1.1.
This is running smoothly without any problems.

However I do have a problem. How do I know when a user is done modifying a property?
With other words: "How do I Know when the user finished entering text inside a textbox (User has closed the textbox by for ex. pressing the enter key)"?

Problem is that I would like to make changes when the user is done modifying and not every-time he enters a character inside the textbox.

Thanks in advance,


4th January 2014, 11:44
If the text box is a QLineEdit, see its editingFinished() signal


4th January 2014, 12:01
Unfortunately the answer is not that simple.


Can't make much sense of this though.