View Full Version : Debug Qt source in QtCreator

7th January 2014, 06:53
Windows 7 x86, Qt 5.2.0 MinGW 4.8.0
When I debug my app I can view only my source code. In Debug stack view I can see all source files list,but qt source files are greyed
If I enter into it I see disassembled, not the code.
In Internet I found something about mapping path. So I add source path in Options - Debugger - General - Add Qt source ...
My Qt director is C:/Qt/5.2.0 so I added C:/Qt/5.2.0/Src and get:
Source path: Q:\qt5_workdir\w\s
Target path: C:/Qt/5.2.0/Src
What is that Source path? I don't have this path on my computer.
Anyway, nothing helps. I still can't enter into Qt source

9th January 2014, 22:35
Assuming you have used the online installer to get Qt then you need to run the Qt maintenance tool it installed, select and install the source code.

12th January 2014, 12:00
I've installed Qt with offline installer so I have Qt source installed too.
I not succeed to get it worked, probably some bug in QtCreator so I recompiled Qt from source and now it works fine.