View Full Version : how to swap the axes of mouse movement

9th January 2014, 10:02
HI all,

I have an application which can be rum in two modes(the first one i sdefault and the second one is after rotating the same application by 90 degree). after rotation I am rotating the mouse pointer image also and it works fine but the problem is mouse movement is still in the same direction as the older one. that means if I move the mouse in left and right direction mouse pointer is moving in up and down direction as the application has been rotated by 90 degree angle.
How to swap the axis of mouse movement when I am rotating the signal
please Help anybody knows.

Thanks in advance

9th January 2014, 20:16
The mouse positioning and movement is a function of the operating system/window manager and outside the Qt application.
You might find a operating system specific hack to get the axes swapped. On Windows the "joke" program SakasaMouse and the MafMouse http://www.maf-soft.de/mafmouse/ program can achieve this. You can find some example source http://www.math.uaa.alaska.edu/~afkjm/techteach/?q=node/70 in C#.