View Full Version : QML virtual keyboard + TextEdit

14th January 2014, 11:12
Hi all,

I'm attempting to build a virtual keyboard in my QML application (Qt 4.8.5 and QML 1.1).
What I really need is to simulate key events when pressing a key buttons of virtual keyboard.

I searched online for some solutions but I don't find a clear one.
The solution most listed seems to be to create a custom c++ class (with an Invokable method) that should simulate the key press and release event.

Surprisingly I did not find any example about it so I tried to build it but, into sendEvent call (bool QCoreApplication::sendEvent ( QObject * receiver, QEvent * event ) [static]), I don't know what set as receiver... or better I don't know how to pass the QML TextEdit "instance" as receiver.

How to do it?
Or otherwise there is another way to do it?

Part of my class code:

void KeyEmitter::simulateKey(QString keyName)
// getting selected keycode
Qt::Key keycode = _getKeyCodeFromName(keyName);
if ( keycode == Qt::Key_unknown )
qDebug() << "Cannot resolve keycode associated to " << keyName;

QObject * receiver = NULL; // ???

if (keyName.length() == 1 && keyName[0].unicode() >= 'A' && keyName[0].unicode() <= 'Z')
QKeyEvent keyPressEvent(QEvent::KeyPress, keycode, Qt::ShiftModifier, keyName);
QApplication::sendEvent(receiver, &keyPressEvent);

QKeyEvent keyReleaseEvent(QEvent::KeyRelease, keycode, Qt::ShiftModifier, keyName);
QApplication::sendEvent(receiver, &keyReleaseEvent);
QKeyEvent keyPressEvent(QEvent::KeyPress, keycode, Qt::NoModifier, keyName);
QApplication::sendEvent(receiver, &keyPressEvent);

QKeyEvent keyReleaseEvent(QEvent::KeyRelease, keycode, Qt::NoModifier, keyName);
QApplication::sendEvent(receiver, &keyReleaseEvent);

qDebug() << "Simulated key " << qPrintable(keyName);

Thanks in advance


I found a similar issue with mouse event in this post : http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7517700/how-to-simulate-mouse-clicks-in-qml

I tried to pass the viewer as receiver in my application and it works!

Into main:

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QmlApplicationViewer viewer;
QScopedPointer<KeyEmitter> keyEmitter(new KeyEmitter(&viewer));
viewer.rootContext()->setContextProperty("keyEmitter", keyEmitter.data());

Into KeyEmitter class:

class KeyEmitter : public QObject


KeyEmitter*(QObject * receiver*, QObject * parent = NULL); // Added passing of receiver

Q_INVOKABLE void simulateKey(QString keyName);


QObject * _receiver;

into QML:

IconButton // is an implementation of a "standard" button
id: abutton
text: "a"
onClicked: keyEmitter.simulateKey(text)

12th September 2014, 12:44

thanks for posting your solution after you got it working :) I've got a few difficulties with my KeyEmitter class. Have you still got access to your code and could post the whole class code?

Thank you in advance