View Full Version : raise tabified dock widget

15th January 2014, 16:17
OSX, Qt4.7, PySide

I've googled extensively on this but have come up empty.

Is there a way to raise a tabified dock widget in a QMainWindow?

I've tried raise_(), activateWindow(), show(), setWindowState(....)

Edit: I did manage to get raise() to work, but not in the same call.

def openProject(self,project_name):
if self.openProjects.has_key(project_name):
self.openProjects[project_name].raise_() # WORKS
project = Project(project_name)
self.openProjects[project_name] = project
...... # get last widget tabified
self.mainWindow.tabifyDockWidget(previous_project, project)
project.raise_() # DOES NOT WORK ??

I've tried signals, setFocus...not sure why it will not work subsequent to tabifying.