View Full Version : VS2005 Integration: how to add new dialog?

21st February 2007, 17:35
I've recently switched to 05 with qt 4.1.5 integration, and I can't figure out how to add a new dialog to the project.

To resolve my issue, I made a ui file in designer and brought it into the project, but now it complains about not having a class for the file.

What must I do to make a new dialog and have it associated with the project, along with the ui and moc processes?


21st February 2007, 17:50
Try opening context menu somewhere in the solution explorer (over the project maybe) and there should be items for adding a new Qt class or adding a new Qt GUI class. The latter is for adding classes including a designable .ui form.

21st February 2007, 19:26
Try opening context menu somewhere in the solution explorer (over the project maybe) and there should be items for adding a new Qt class or adding a new Qt GUI class. The latter is for adding classes including a designable .ui form.

Oh, I see why I was confused -designer give me the option of New Dialog (Button bottom/right). I guess you can't do that in VS. I guess it only pre-populates with two push buttons and a spacer.
