View Full Version : Compile Oracle 64 bit plugin on Windows 64 bit with Qt4.3

17th January 2014, 15:41
Hello everyone,

I’ve an application which must connect to an Oracle database. It works well on Windows x32 bit. But recently, I’ve encoutred a problem with Oracle 11g 64 bit installed on Windows 64 bit and I’m receveing the error message “Driver not loaded”.
I’ve tried to compile a new qsqlOci plugin but I’ve some link errors like “ error LNK2019: symbole externe non résolu _OCIDescriptorAlloc référencé dans la fonction “public: __thiscall QOCIRowId::QOCIRowId(struct OCIEnv *)” (??0QOCIRowId@@QAE@PAUOCIEnv@@@Z)”
Note that I’m using Qt 4.3 with VS 2005
Does anyone have an idea about this problem and can help me to resolve it ?
Many thank in advance.
Best regards.

19th January 2014, 03:56
Have you built a 64-bit set of Qt libraries or are you expecting to be able to link your 32-bit Qt to the 64-bit Oracle client?

20th January 2014, 07:01

Thanks for replying. I'm looking to link my 32-bit Qt to the 64 bit Oracle client.