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View Full Version : what is make qmake?

Pushpa Kumari K.H
22nd February 2007, 04:18
Hi All,

I am usinq qt 3.3.7 with hp-ux 11.11 and aCC 3.7 in my application and following a document for installation of my application. There are 3 steps in installation :

qmake bviewng.pro
make qmake

Finally my application should get installed.
I got to know about 'qmake bviewn.pro' - it is used to generate Makefile, I didn't get to know why we are using make qmake, Could you please tell me about that.

22nd February 2007, 05:47
The "make qmake" step seems strange. "qmake" is not normally a target for make. Typical command sequence to build is:

qmake project.pro

Pushpa Kumari K.H
22nd February 2007, 05:58
When we do "make qmake" all the Makefile's in subdirectories are created by their corresponding .pro's and finally the two options get merged like :

will be merged to

which will have some problems while doing the final make of the application.
Could you please suggest me for this.

Pushpa Kumari K.H
22nd February 2007, 13:18
I got to know abt dat, we need to check qmake.conf file

23rd February 2007, 05:35
Could you please suggest me for this.
My suggestion is to not use "make qmake". It is not necessary.