View Full Version : Skiplist

Narendra Jha
25th January 2014, 13:21
Can anyone help me in implementing a Skiplist using QList . A skiplist is a sort of Linked list with levels and that can skips nodes on each level .like 0 skips in base level one in second 3 in third 7 in 3rd like wise , you ncan google about skiplist

25th January 2014, 23:24
Can anyone help me in implementing a Skiplist using QList .

No, since QList is not a linked list. It's more of a vector that can grow at both ends.

As far as I remember QMap is implemented as something similar to a skip list. See here: http://doc.qt.digia.com/qq/qq19-containers.html

Narendra Jha
27th January 2014, 07:33
Thanx a lot, i will try to implement and if i'll get some issues i'll contact u